Читай. most essential to our body is food. be moderate in eating. “a man is what he eats”. some foods are better than others in making strong muscles. among them are meat, eggs and fish. some foods are better in helping keep bones, teeth, skin and blood. among these foods are fruit, vegetables, milk and cheese. if you eat slowly you will never overeat. never swallow your food. different foods do different things for our body. never drink alcohol: first of all it cost a lot of money, which might be used for better purposes. second, the person who drinks will become unfit for his duties. both health and character are often ruined. many young people feel guilty about eating too much chocolate. chocolate does contain a lot of fat. however, if your diet is balanced, eating chocolate in moderation is fine. food is a form of fuel. it gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. different foods do different things for the body. almost all food can be eaten without any cooking at all. most people ear raw fruit and vegetables. fresh fruit and vegetables are important for our health. the proverb says: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
На : what makes a person successful is a question that worries many people. in my opinion different people understand the notion of “success” differently. for some it’s having a lot of money, posh possessions, mansions and expensive cars. for others it’s a small house filled with joy and comfort. many people connect success with their job and career growth. there are also some people who want to become famous and this is how they measure success. in any case, i think that a successful person is the one who knows exactly what he wants from life and works hard in this direction. success is not guaranteed or handed to everyone. it is given only to those who are strong and brave enough to face all the difficulties on their way and who are able to work hard to overcome them. there are many young people who are born in rich families and have everything they want - toys, cars, expensive clothes. all doors are open for them, however not all of them become successful, as they don’t appreciate what they have. one of the main characteristics of a successful person, in my opinion, is the respect for other people’s work and effort. if rich youngsters respected their parents’ painstaking, they would be more successful in life. they would start appreciating the money spent on them and effort put for their well-being. another useful quality is a sense of humor. many people take their failures too seriously. if they could stand up and face their problem with a smile, they would be much happier. to sum up, i’d like to say that successful people are those who are optimistic, rich in ideas, active, respectful and able to take responsibility for their actions. перевод: что делает человека успешным - этот вопрос волнует многих людей. на мой взгляд, разные люди понимают «успех» по-разному. для кого-то это иметь много денег, шикарных вещей, особняков и дорогих автомобилей. для других это небольшой дом, наполненный радостью и уютом. многие люди связывают успех со своей работой и карьерным ростом. есть также некоторые люди, которые хотят стать знаменитыми, и этим они измеряют успех. в любом случае, я думаю, что успешный человек тот, кто точно знает, чего он хочет от жизни и усердно работает в этом направлении. успех не гарантирован и не даруется каждому. это дается только тем, кто достаточно сильны и храбры, чтобы стать лицом ко всем трудностям на своем пути, и которые способны упорно трудиться, чтобы преодолеть их. существует множество молодых людей, которые родились в богатых семьях и у которых есть все, что они захотят - игрушки, автомобили, дорогая одежда. все двери открыты для них, однако не все из них становятся успешными, так как они не ценят то, что у них есть. одним из основных характеристик успешного человека, на мой взгляд, является уважение к труду и усилиям других людей. если бы богатые молодые люди уважали усердие своих родителей, они были бы более успешными в жизни. они стали бы ценить деньги, потраченные на них и усилия, приложенные ради их благополучия. еще одно полезное качество - это чувство юмора. многие люди слишком серьезно воспринимают свои неудачи. если бы они могли встать и взглянуть на свою проблему с улыбкой, они были бы гораздо счастливее. подводя итог, я хотел бы сказать, что успешные люди это те, кто полны оптимизма, богаты идеями, активны, уважительны и способны брать на себя ответственность за свои поступки. перейтиподписчики и лайки musical.lyнужны подписчики в musical.ly? забери их сейчас. без пароля.feeby.ru
1i will be given plenty of time to decide. 2 we will be shown a new machine by them. или а new machine will be shown to us by them. 3 the men were paid 400€ by someone to do the work. 4 i was asked some difficult questions by them at the interview. или some different questions were asked by them at the interview. 5 linda was given a present by her colleagues when she retired. или a present was given to linda by her colleagues when she retired. 6 i wasn’t told about the meeting. 7 how much will you be paid for your work ? 8 i think tom will be offered the job . или i think the job will be offered to tom by them.