underline the auxility verbs in the sentences.then add guestion tags.
1. he's out, isn't he? ? 2. you don't usually eat meat, do you? ? 3 jim can't help you with this, can he? 4. the train will certainly be late,won't it? ? 5. we're eating out tonight,aren't we? 6. the johnsons haven't phoned yet,have they? 7. lucy doesn't cook it herself, does she?
1.его нет дома, не так ли? 2. обычно ты не ешь мясо, верно? 3. джим не пожет тебе с этим, да? 4. поезд точно опоздает, не так ли? 6. джонсоны еще не звонили, да? люси не готовит себе, не так ли?
(auxiliary verbs - это глаголы .к ним относятся: is, have, do, will, can и так далее) они идут перед смысловыми.
ну вот первую часть только сделала, а вторую не могу..спать хочу ужасно, голова не варит, и не поиму что точно надо сделать.
и перевести, если может знаете напишите объяснения, пример как делать:
laura's been learning japanese for some time hasn't she? и time adverbias and tanses: now write eight sentences about your classmates in your notebok,each time a different time adverbial and a correct time - victor is playing at the moment. и перевести обязательно, только правильно!
1. it's too dark here. i can't see anything. 2. can i do something for you? 3. they went nowhere at all during the holiday. 4. it was very disappointing. absolutely nothing happened. 5. i want to tell you something. 6. did you turn the oven off? i think i can smell something burning. 7. it was quiet in the room nobody said anything. 8. has anyone seen paul today? 9. was there anything interesting in the paper yesterday? 10. no one likes to stay in town on a hot day. 11. everyone was listening to the guide. no one said anything. 12. speak louder. i don't hear anything. 13. is anybody going to see the house today? 14. are you going somewhere today? - no, i am not going anywhere today. i am too tired. 15. nobody understood the rule and the teacher had to explain it again. 16. i know nothing at all. 17.i can't add anything to what i've said. 18. there is somebody waiting for you in the lobby. 19.i don't want anything to eat. 20. he looked at my pictures but didn't say anything. 21. the accident looked serious. fortunately nobody was injured. 22. that's a very easy question. anyone can answer it. 23. there is nothing interesting at his exhibition. 24.i don't think there is anybody in the office. 25.1 am bored. i'd like to go somewhere tonight. 26.i left the house without saying anything to her. 27. he's lazy. he never does anything. 28. she's standing over there, near the bookshop. i think she is waiting for someone. 29.i can't find my watch anywhere. i've looked all over the house. 30. the bus was completely empty. there wasn't anybody on it. 31. it's a stupid idea. ask anyone and they will tell you. 32.i don't know anybody who speaks chinese.
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Текст не из легких, но кто перевести, буду jobseekers have been warned that their facebook profile could damage their employment prospects, after a study found that seven in 10 employers now research candidates online. according to new figures released by microsoft, the computer firm, facebook and twitter checks are now as important in the job selection process as a cv or interview. the survey, which questioned human resource managers at the top 100 companies in the uk, us, germany and france, found that 70 per cent admitted to rejecting a candidate because of their online behaviour. but hr bosses also said that a strong image online could actually help job hunters to land their dream job. peter cullen, of microsoft, said: "your online reputation is not something to be scared of, it's something to be proactively managed. "these days, it's essential that web-users cultivate the kind of online reputation that they would want an employer to see." facebook faux pas include drunken photographs, bad language, and messages complaining about worklife. farhan yasin, of online recruitment network careerbuilder.co.uk, said: "social networking is a great way to make connections with job opportunities in 2010 and promote your personal brand across the internet. "people really need to make sure they are using this resource to their advantage, by conveying a professional image." but mr yasin cautioned job seekers to be aware of their online image even after landing the perfect job, after their own research found that 28 per cent of employers had fired staff for content found on their social networking profile. he added: "a huge number of employers have taken action against staff for writing negative comments about the company or another employee on their social networking page."
лиц, ищущих работу, , что их профили в фэйсбуке могут навредить перспективам их трудоустройства: исследование выявило, что 7 из 10 работодателей теперь изучают кандидатов в интернете.
согласно новым данным, опубликованным компьютерной компанией microsoft, при наборе работников проверки (кандидатов) в фейсбуке и твиттере теперь так же важны, как изучение резюме и проведение собеседования.
опрос менеджеров по персоналу из топ-100 компаний в великобритании, сша, германии и франции показал, что 70% отказывали кандидатам из-за их поведения в интернете.
однако руководители отделов кадров также говорят, что представляемый в интернете имидж сильного, уверенного человека фактически может соискателям получить работу их мечты.
питер каллен из компании microsoft отметил: «ваша онлайн-репутация — это не то, чего нужно бояться, а то, чем нужно эффективно . в наше время важно, чтобы веб-пользователи создавали себе репутацию в интернете, думая о том, какой её увидит работодатель».
"проколы" в фэйсбуке включают фотографии кандидатов в пьяном виде, сквернословие и сообщения с жалобами на работу.
фархан ясин из сети по найму careerbuilder.co.uk рассказал: «социальные сети — отличный для 2010 года способ связаться с потенциальными работодателями и продвигать свой личный бренд в интернете. людям действительно нужно удостовериться, что они используют этот ресурс в своих интересах, передавая профессиональный имидж».
г-н ясин также предостерег соискателей работы, чтобы они помнили о своем имидже в интернете даже после получения желанной работы, поскольку исследование, проведенное его компанией, выявило, что 28% работодателей уволили сотрудников за контент, найденный в их профилях в социальных сетях.
«огромное количество работодателей приняли меры против сотрудников за то, что на своих страницах в социальных сетях они писали негативные комментарии о компании или других сотрудниках», — добавил он.