
Буду благадарна ! ! вставте пропущенные слова wheelchair racing, snowskiing, tennis, wheelchair billiards, watersports. ….has become a popular winter sport for wheelchair users, who hit the slopes with abandon when the temperatures fall ….are growing in popularity among wheelchair users who can ski just fine sitting down. ….. is expanding the number of its players in three-wheeled sportschairs. … has become a major sport, and every marathon finds wheelers among the ranks, pushing the limits of their skills wheelchair sportsmen who prefer something a little less intense enjoy … где точки нужно вставить зарание

Английский язык


Snowskiing has become a popular winter sport for wheelchair users, who hit the slopes with abandon when the temperatures fall.   wintersports are growing in popularity among wheelchair users who can ski just fine sitting down. tennis is expanding the number of its players in three-wheeled sportschairs. wheelchair racing has become a major sport, and every marathon finds wheelers among the ranks, pushing the limits of their skills. wheelchair sportsmen who prefer something a little less intense enjoy wheelchair billiards.


1)'Where is the post office?' ⇒ He asked me [no answer] .

Correct answer: where the post office was

 Question with what, when, where, etc. (direct speech) ⇒ asked me + what, when, etc. + subject + verb (reported speech).

 Present simple (direct speech) ⇒ past simple (reported speech).

2)'Are you going to the beach today?' ⇒ She asked me [no answer] .

Correct answer: if/whether I was going to the beach that day

 Yes/No question (direct speech) ⇒ asked me if/weather + subject + verb … (reported speech).

 Present continuous (direct speech) ⇒ past continuous (reported speech).

 today ⇒ that day

3)'Let me go! ⇒ He told them [no answer] .

Correct answer: to let him go

 Orders or requests (direct speech) ⇒  told me / asked me + to infinitive (reported speech).

4)'Where were you last night?' ⇒ He asked me [no answer]  night.

Correct answer: where I had been the previous

 Question with what, when, where, etc. (direct speech) ⇒ asked me + what, when, etc. + subject + verb (reported speech).

 Past simple (direct speech) ⇒ past perfect (reported speech).

 last night ⇒ the previous night/the night before

5)'I may not be ready next week.' ⇒ Tomas said that he [no answer]  week.

Correct answer: might not be ready the following/next

 may ⇒ might

 next week, month, etc. ⇒ the following week, month, etc. / the week, month, etc. after

6)'I think Jack will do something stupid' ⇒ Suzan said (that) [no answer]  something stupid.

Correct answer: she thought (that) Jack would do

 Present simple (direct speech) ⇒ past simple (reported speech).

 will (direct speech) ⇒ would (reported speech).

7)'You must tell Ted that I will be there.' ⇒ Sara said that I [no answer] .

Correct answer: had to tell Ted (that) she would be there

 must ⇒ had to

 will ⇒ would

8)'Have you been here all this time?' ⇒ She asked him if  [no answer] .

Correct answer: he had been there all that time

 Yes/No question (direct speech) ⇒ asked me, him, etc + if/weather + subject + verb … (reported speech).

 Present perfect (direct speech) ⇒ past perfect (reported speech).

 here ⇒ there

 this ⇒ that

9)'Stop or I will tell dad.' ⇒ He told her sister [no answer] .

Correct answer: to stop or he would tell dad

 Orders or requests (direct speech) ⇒  told me, him, etc. / asked me, him, etc. + to infinitive (reported speech).

 will ⇒ would

10)'I'm going to stay with Sally tomorrow.' ⇒ She told me she [no answer]  day.

Correct answer: was going to stay with Sally the following/next

 am/is/are going to ⇒ was/were going to

 tomorrow ⇒ the next day, the following day, the day after

Bolshakova Shigorina

A. На кухне можно:

1. Готовить еду

2. Есть еду

3. Мыть посуду

4. Наводить порядок

B. На кухне нельзя

1. Играть с острыми предметами (например, ножами)

2. Бегать

3. Трогать горячую плиту или посуду

4. Класть в микроволновку металлические предметы типа ложки


A. In the kitchen you can...

1. Cook food

2. Eat food

3. Wash the dishes

4. Tidy up

B. In the kitchen you mustn't...

1. Play with sharp objects (for example, knives)

2. Run

3. Touch the hot stove or hot pans and pots

4. Put metal objects such as a spoon in the microwave oven


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Буду благадарна ! ! вставте пропущенные слова wheelchair racing, snowskiing, tennis, wheelchair billiards, watersports. ….has become a popular winter sport for wheelchair users, who hit the slopes with abandon when the temperatures fall ….are growing in popularity among wheelchair users who can ski just fine sitting down. ….. is expanding the number of its players in three-wheeled sportschairs. … has become a major sport, and every marathon finds wheelers among the ranks, pushing the limits of their skills wheelchair sportsmen who prefer something a little less intense enjoy … где точки нужно вставить зарание
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