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уимблдон-необычный клуб


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write down all the new words with the translations. It is very important to wiite down examples of the sentences with the   new words too. When you do that, you can remember the place ol the woid in the sentence, which prepositions or articles go with it. and remember it in context.

Misha: Should they watch films in English?

Mr Grams: I he*y can try, but they shouldn’t get upset if they can’t

understand anything. 1 hey 11 have to watch the same film again and again until they understand better. It is also a good idea to get a copy of the same film in Russian.

Misha: Is that all?

Mr Grams: Oh. no. They should listen to English cassettes and repeat

things alter the speakers. That will improve their pronunciation and their ability to understand.

Misha: But they are always listening to our teacher. Her English is very good. Isn’t that enough?

Mr Grams: Unfortunately, it isn’t. They have to listen to different accents.

If they always listen to the same person, they won’t be able to understand other people. So if they aren’t able to talk to native speakers, they'll have to use the cassettes!

Misha: And what about grammar? They learn a lot of grammar rules by heart.

Mr Grams: You don't have to do that. Grammar is very important, of course, but they have to use it, not simply learn the rules. However, they should learn texts and songs by heart. Then they will have longer phrases, not only words in their memory.

Misha: Thank you very much, Mr Grams. You're my favourite teacher.

Mr Grams: That’s very kind of you, Misha.

Answer the questions.

1. Why is four years enough to learn English?

2. Why should you read adapted versions of English books?

3. Why should you buy a dictionary?

4. Why is it useful to get a copy of the same film in Russian?

5. Why should you listen to cassettes?

3. Why should you learn texts by heart?

I What is more important: to learn grammar rules or to use them?

s. Why should you write down examples of sentences with new words?

ind sentences with too in the text. Translate them into Russian.

emember your discussion from the last lesson. Which of your ideas about learn

nglish were right / wrong? Prove your ideas with sentences from the text.Unit 4 Lessons 4, 5


Во-первых, была произведена последняя перепись населения уфы до октябрьской революции 1917 года. она называлась “учет населения, домовладений и квартир города уфы”. регистрированное гражданское население вместе с обитателями тюрьмы и военнопленными составляло 112,7 тысячи человек. для сравнения: в 1901-м в уфе проживали 60,6 тысячи мужчин и женщин. во-вторых, в это время продолжалась первая мировая война, что не могло не сказаться на благосостоянии горожан и жителей всей губернии. каждый стремился армии, раненым, беженцам и детям-сиротам. в нашем городе располагался сборный пункт военкомата уфимской губернии, откуда призывники отправлялись на фронт. а 1 мая в уфе состоялась маевка против империалистической войны. по : first, was produced by the last census of the population of ufa to the october revolution of 1917. it was titled “population, households and apartments of the city of ufa”. registered civil population along with the inmates and prisoners of war were 112.7 thousand people. for comparison, in 1901 in ufa lived 60,6 thousands of men and women. secondly, at this time, continued the first world war, which could not affect the welfare of the citizens and residents of the entire province. everyone tried to help the russian army, the wounded, refugees, orphans i. in our city was the assembly point of the military office of the ufa province, where recruits were sent to the front. and on may 1 in ufa was held on may day against imperialist war.

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Александр Сергей