
Рассказ на про лису только не басня не сказка и не стих

Английский язык


Исаченко Тераски1181
It has a long tail. it redheaded. her long, narrow body.
Погода летом бывает разная. идут дожди , облачно , солнце светит . иногда дует ветер.дождь может быть теплым , холодным, сильным и так далее… в начале лета погода теплая и иногда прохладная .в середине она жаркая , так как облаков нет . а в августе становится холоднее.на   in summer the weather is different. raining , cloudy , the sun is shining . sometimes the wind blows.the rain can be warm , cold, strong and so in the early summer the weather is warm and sometimes cool .in the middle it is very hot , as there's no clouds . and in august it's getting colder
1. in the 1920s, philips took out its first patents and decided to diversify its product range. 2. he opened this case and found that it contained completely different articles. 3. we started supplying the cloth to new customers last month. 4. i informed the customer that the goods were ready for shipment. 5. we decided to deposit money on a saving account. 6. their buyers took into consideration the high quality of the model. 7. they duly received the documents and took delivery of the goods. 8. the packing protected the goods against a serious damage during the period of delivery. 9. selling abroad created extra problems as compared to selling in the domestic market. 10. they made all the directors redundant at the last sitting.

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