
Перевести walt elias disney was born on december 5th 1901 in chicago, lllinois. he liked drawing from an early age and he sold his first sketches to his neighbours when he was only seven years old. in august 1923 he left for hollywood. he had only $40 with him. his brother roy lived in california and together they started the now famous disney brothers studio in their uncle's garage.

Английский язык


Уолт элиас диснэй родился 5-го декабря 1901 года в чикаго, штат иллинойс. он любил рисовать с раннего детства. он продал соседям свои первые рисунки когда ему было всего 7 лет. в августе 1923 года он переехал в голливуд. у него было с собой всего 40 долларов. его брат рой жил в калифорнии, и они вместе основали в гараже их дяди известную сейчас студию братьев диснэй.

The highest legislative body is the Senate which consists of 100 members

(Two members from each state).


The legislative branch of the U.S. government

is called Congress. Congress has two parts,

the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Congress meets in the U.S. Capitol building in

Washington, DC.

Congress makes federal laws. Members of

Congress can propose an idea for a new law.

This is called a bill. After both the Senate and

the House of Representatives pass the bill, it goes

The Capitol Building

to the President. If the President agrees, he or

she can sign the bill. Then it becomes law. If the

President does not agree, he or she can veto it. If

the President vetoes the bill, Congress can decide

to vote again to override the veto. Congress can

also make changes to the bill and send it back to

the President for approval.

U.S. Senate

100 members

Two members from each state

U.S. House of Representatives

435 voting members

Number of members depends on state’s population

Our health is the condition of the whole body. and it is necessary to keep fit to have a high-grade life. many people consider that if we doing only exercises it will keep our body fit. but i am going to tell you about another factors. firstly, our nutrition is very important. if we eat harmful, processed and fatty food we will not be able-bodied. secondly, ecology. if we breathe fresh and clean air we will feel ourselves much better. thirdly, our mode of live. if we don't hame daily regime, we lead an immobile lifestyle we definitely will have health problems. these are main factors of these are the main factors affecting on our health.

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Перевести walt elias disney was born on december 5th 1901 in chicago, lllinois. he liked drawing from an early age and he sold his first sketches to his neighbours when he was only seven years old. in august 1923 he left for hollywood. he had only $40 with him. his brother roy lived in california and together they started the now famous disney brothers studio in their uncle's garage.
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