Hand got a have i nice my in left ball. sing a bird song tree in the nice can. ice cream bag take an my out of open and it. ill bed when am in i i am . parents very are my kind. составить предложения
1. do go: present simple (indefinite), to go. 2. sleeps: present simple (indefinite), to sleep; slept: past simple (indefinite), to sleep. 3. did write: past simple (indefinite), to write. 4. flows: present simple (indefinite), to flow. 5. shall go: future simple (indefinite), to go; will come: future simple (indefinite), to come. 6. look: present simple (indefinite), to look; is snowing: present continuous (progressive), to snow. 7. were doing: past continuous (progressive), to do; were having: past continuous (progressive), to have. 8. don't come: present simple (indefinite), to come; shall be writing: future continuous (progressive), to write. 9. came: past simple (indefinite), to come; were sitting: past continuous (progressive), to sit; were watching: past continuous (progressive), to watch.
Общие фразы в чрезвычайных ситуациях вы можете мне ? can you help me? здесь есть полицейский участок рядом? is there a police station near here? мы должны вызвать полицию.we must call the police.вам надо идти в полицию.you must go to the police station.надо позвонить в скорую.we must phone for an ambulance.сообщите ваше имя и адрес, .can i have your name and address, please.авария на дороге произошла авария.there has been a accident.как произошла авария? how did the accident happen? он быстро ехал? was he going fast? у вас есть с собой права? do you have your driving lisence? у вас есть с собой страховка? do you have your insurance certificates? свидетели были? were there any witnesses? я видел(а), как это случилось.i witnessed it happening.это была не моя вина.it wasn’t my fault.он не имел права ехать.it wasn’t his right of way.я врезался (врезалась) в грузовик.i crashed into the truck.авария произошла на перекрестке.the accident happened at the crossroads.потеря или кража мой … украли.my … has been stolen.я потерял мой …i’ve lost my …где вы потеряли свой …? where did you lose your …? что было внутри? what was inside it? внутри был(а) …there was a … inside.когда вы потеряли свой …? when did you lose your …? где вы это искали? where have you looked for it? как это выглядит? what’s it like? какой оно формы? what shape is it? на нем есть ваше имя? was it marked with your name? какова его стоимость? how valuable is it? вам нужно заполнить заявление.you must fill in a report form.это …… квадратное / круглое.… темное / светлое.… серебристое.… золотое.… деревянное.… короткое / длинное.… широкое / узкое.… большое / маленькое.it’s …… square / round.… dark / light.… silver-coloured.… golden.… wooden.… short / long.… wide / narrow.… big / small.чрезвычайные ситуации было сообщение о бомбе.there is a bomb alert.произошел большой взрыв.there was a big explosion.вызовите .telephone the fire service.покиньте здание, .evacuate the building, please.
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Hand got a have i nice my in left ball. sing a bird song tree in the nice can. ice cream bag take an my out of open and it. ill bed when am in i i am . parents very are my kind. составить предложения