
Почему вильям построил белую башню? ответь на и обоснуй свой ответ на .

Английский язык


After the battle of hastings , unlucky for england, the victorious leader of the norman william the conqueror was crowned solemnly at westminster abbey british crown . but the new king did not want to settle in london among a hostile population. and the normans became a fortified camp near the walls of the city , and then his camp was surrounded by walls. thus arose the tower , and some time existed side by side city behind their walls and king - for fortified towers of the castle . the book , dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the tower , the duke of edinburgh , wrote that " in its history, the tower of london was a fortress and a palace and royal jewelry store , and an arsenal , and mint, and a prison , and an observatory, and the zoo , and a place that attracts tourists. " in 1078 , construction began on the highest part of the castle, the so-called white tower london castle was built not only to keep control of the thames estuary , but to frighten recalcitrant citizens.после битвы при гастингсе, несчастливой для , победоносный предводитель норманнов вильгельм завоеватель торжественно короновался в вестминстерском аббатстве короной. но новый король не захотел поселиться в лондоне среди враждебного населения. и норманны стали укрепленным лагерем у стен сити, а потом и свою стоянку обнесли стенами. так возник тауэр, и некоторое время бок о бок существовали сити за своими стенами и король — за укрепленными башнями замка.  в книге, посвященной 900-летию тауэра, герцог эдинбургский писал о том, что "за свою лондонский тауэр был и крепостью, и дворцом, и хранилищем королевских драгоценностей, и арсеналом, и монетным двором, и тюрьмой, и обсерваторией, и зоопарком, и местом, привлекающим туристов".  в 1078 году началось строительство самой высокой части замка, так называемой белой башни  лондонский замок строился не только для того, чтобы держать под контролем устье темзы, но и для острастки непокорных горожан.
There was one occasion in my life which i attended in - it was "the best beverage party" in 2014. i was there as a guest and despite it i was definitely surprised with a high level of organization. all people were engaged and tried themselves as bartenders. some cocktails didn't consist alcohol, some did it. i liked margarita cocktail and took that recipe. было в моей жизни одно событие, в котором я принимал участие - "вечер лучшего напитка" в 2014 году. был я там в качестве гостя, но не смотря на это, был впечатлен высоким уровнем организации. каждый был увлечен делом и пробовал себя в качестве бармена. какие-то коктейли не содержали алкоголя, какие-то были алкогольными. мне понравился коктейль маргарита и я взял рецепт.
The usa is a federal union of 50 states. the basic law is the constitution. the political system of the usa is divided into three branches: judicial, legislative and executive. the flag includes the stars and the stripes and old glory. the red stripes proclaim courage, the white - liberty, and the field of blue stands for loyalty. supreme legislative power in the american government lies with congress: the senate, the upper house; and the house of the representatives - the lower house. each state has its own government - state assemblies or, legislatures with two houses. according to the constitution of the usa, all citizens of both sexes over 18 years of age has a right of voting, but in reality the number of voters is much smaller. the main task of congress is to make federal laws, to levy federal taxes, to make rules for trade, to corn money, to organize armed forces, to declare war, to make amendments to the constitution or put foreign treaties into effect. the senate is composed of 100 members. the house of representatives has 450 members. the executive power in the usa belongs to the president and his administration. the presidency in the usa is the highest governmental office. president in the usa is the head of the state and the government. vice-resident and the cabinet assist president. the president and vice-president are elected for a term of four years and can be reelected. president conducts foreign affairs, signed documents, appoints diplomats, cabinet members, federal judges with the consent and advice of the senate.

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