
Задайте общий вопрос к : start smiling now the united nations was founded to bring peace, human rights and solidarity to people of the world. now the organisation includes 185 member states and its aim is to prevent discrimination, armed conflicts and terrorism. to achieve it, the un is publishing books that encourage people to resolve racial, religious or territorial conflicts without using arms. one of these books is called peace museums worldwide. most of the peace museums that exist in the world appeared after world war ii. according to the authors of the book, peace museums can be of two kinds. some of them concentrate on the past. they demonstrate historical events, such as wars, violence and terrorism. for example, if you visit the museums in hiroshima and nagasaki (founded in 1955), you will see pictures of the nuclear bombing in japan in 1945. the aim of these museums is to prevent a tragedy like this in the future. there are also museums that aim to educate people about peace. they organise different art exhibitions, as art helps people of different nations and nationalities understand each other. one of the most famous museums of this kind is the international museum of peace and solidarity in samarkand. its collection includes over 20, 000 examples from more than 100 countries of the world, including drawings, paintings, flags, books, stamps and records. the museum is proud of its wonderful collection of photographs, letters and articles, many signed by peacemakers from all the continents of the world. in recent years, the museum of peace and solidarity has organised exhibitions of children's artwork from many countries both within the museum and in other museums internationally. many of these children suffered disease, violence and crime in wartime conditions. every year the museum holds a special children's peace festival. the slogan of the festival is: "war is not a game. why play with military toys? peace starts with me." at the festival, children are invited to exchange their military toys for peaceful, non-violent and educational toys. children who have no military toys can bring along a poem or a drawing and exchange it for a creative game, a pencil, a ball and so on. the museum has got another wonderful collection: a worldwide collection of smiles. the smiles have come and are still coming in all different forms, including photographs, paintings, drawings, computer graphics, poems and jokes. the museum is planning to open a special hall of smiles. so start smiling now! come on, right now.

Английский язык


Вот  несколько  общих вопросов к тексту does now the organisation include 185 member states? is the un publishing books that encourage people to resolve racial, religious or territorial conflicts without using arms? is one of these books called peace museums worldwide? are there also museums that aim to educate people about peace? do they organise different art exhibitions, as art helps people of different nations and nationalities understand each other? is the museum proud of its wonderful collection of photographs, letters and articles, many signed by peacemakers from all the continents of the world? does every year the museum hold a special children's peace festival? is the museum planning to open a special hall of smiles?


1.a: were you at home yesterday? b: yes, i was.

2.they ware really happy after they won the football game. sister was a college student last year.

4.thomas was on the train at three-thirty yesterday afternoon.

5.a: ware jennifer tired? b: no, she wasn't. car broke down, so i was late for my appointment.

7.a: was laura and susan surprised? b: no, they weren't.

8.the cookies were delicious, so i ate three of them.

9.a: were you at the library yesterday? b: no, i wasn't.

10.many dinosaurs were really huge.

11.i was born in 1999.when were you born?

12.the movie we saw last night were very funny.

13.i was a waiter last year, but i changed my job in september. favourite programme was on tv at eight o’clock last night.

15. my classmates were in class.



our health depends on different factors, and nutrition is one of them. we get all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and microelements with food. however, apart from necessary, vital elements, many food products contain ingredients that are useless or even destructive for health. unfortunately, very often unhealthy food is tasty, appetizing and relatively inexpensive, so, we are tempted to buy it again and again. as a result, we receive too little healthy elements, such as protein, unsaturated fats and fiber and too many empty calories, trans fats and carbohydrates. it causes various health problems – from obesity to metabolic disease and accelerated physiological ageing.

наше здоровье зависит от различных факторов, и питание – один из них. мы получаем все питательные вещества, витамины, минералы и микроэлементы с пищей. однако помимо необходимых, жизненно важных элементов, многие продукты содержат ингредиенты, которые бесполезны и даже вредны для организма. к сожалению, часто вредная пища бывает вкусной, аппетитной и относительно недорогой, что побуждает нас покупать ее снова и снова. в результате мы получаем слишком мало полезных элементов, таких как белок, ненасыщенные жиры и клетчатка и слишком много «пустых» калорий, трансжиров и углеводов. это вызывает многочисленные проблемы со здоровьем – от ожирения до нарушения обмена веществ и ускоренного старения.

the most dangerous for health is so-called “junk food” or food containing empty calories. it is food with low biological value and high content of solid fats, calories and sugar. this category includes carbonated soft drinks, sweets, fast-food, chips, chocolate bars and other snacks. for example, carbonated drinks, such as cola and pepsi contain no natural ingredients, and a lot of artificial chemicals – sweeteners, taste modifies and nature-identical flavourings, which are not just unsalutary. they are addictive like drugs – the more you drink, the more you want. lemonades don’t allay thirst, and their “refreshing effect” is just an advertising trick, no more.

самой опасной для здоровья является так называемая «мусорная пища» или пища, содержащая пустые калории. это еда с низкой биологической ценностью и высоким содержанием твердых жиров, калорий и сахара. эта категория включает газированные безалкогольные напитки, сладости, фаст-фуд, чипсы, шоколадные батончики и прочие закуски. например, газированные напитки, такие как кола и пепси, не содержат никаких натуральных ингредиентов, зато содержат множество искусственных – подсластителей, усилителей вкуса и ароматизаторов, идентичных натуральным, которые не просто вредны. они вызывают привыкание, как наркотики – чем больше пьешь, тем больше хочется. лимонады не утоляют жажду, а их «освежающий эффект» — рекламный ход, не более.

as for chips and other ready-made snacks, they are full of carcinogens, chemical additives and taste modifiers. as you probably know, chips are made not of natural potatoes, but of potato-starch, which has low nutritional value and digests poorly. moreover, they are fried in a low-grade oil with artificial flavourings. that’s why all these snacks cause heartburn and gastritis.

что касается чипсов и других готовых к употреблению закусок, они полны канцерогенов, добавок и усилителей вкуса. как вы, возможно, знаете, чипсы изготавливают не из натурального картофеля, а из картофельного крахмала, которых обладает низкой питательной ценностью и плохо усваивается. вдобавок, их обжаривают в некачественном масле с добавлением искусственных ароматизаторов. поэтому все эти закуски вызывают изжогу и гастрит.

sweets that are sold in supermarkets, such as candy, biscuits, cakes and chocolate bars are also virtually uneatable. in order to extend their shelf-life, producers use various preservation agents and chemical additives. moreover, nowadays almost all natural ingredients are substituted with cheap analogues. so, store sweets contain palm oil, hydrogenated fats, milk powder and margarine. of course, sweets in general are not very healthy food, but if you can’t live without desserts, you’d better cook them at home using high-quality products.

сладости, которые в магазинах, такие как конфеты, печенье, пирожные и шоколадные батончики тоже практически несъедобны. чтобы увеличить их срок годности, производители используют различные консерванты и добавки. более того, в наши дни почти все натуральные ингредиенты замещаются дешевыми аналогами. поэтому магазинные сладости содержат пальмовое масло, гидрогенизированные жиры, порошковое молоко и маргарин. конечно, сладости – вообще не слишком полезная еда, но если вы не можете жить без десертов, лучше готовьте их дома из качественных продуктов.

держи, выбирай сама писала вроде прокатило

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Задайте общий вопрос к : start smiling now the united nations was founded to bring peace, human rights and solidarity to people of the world. now the organisation includes 185 member states and its aim is to prevent discrimination, armed conflicts and terrorism. to achieve it, the un is publishing books that encourage people to resolve racial, religious or territorial conflicts without using arms. one of these books is called peace museums worldwide. most of the peace museums that exist in the world appeared after world war ii. according to the authors of the book, peace museums can be of two kinds. some of them concentrate on the past. they demonstrate historical events, such as wars, violence and terrorism. for example, if you visit the museums in hiroshima and nagasaki (founded in 1955), you will see pictures of the nuclear bombing in japan in 1945. the aim of these museums is to prevent a tragedy like this in the future. there are also museums that aim to educate people about peace. they organise different art exhibitions, as art helps people of different nations and nationalities understand each other. one of the most famous museums of this kind is the international museum of peace and solidarity in samarkand. its collection includes over 20, 000 examples from more than 100 countries of the world, including drawings, paintings, flags, books, stamps and records. the museum is proud of its wonderful collection of photographs, letters and articles, many signed by peacemakers from all the continents of the world. in recent years, the museum of peace and solidarity has organised exhibitions of children's artwork from many countries both within the museum and in other museums internationally. many of these children suffered disease, violence and crime in wartime conditions. every year the museum holds a special children's peace festival. the slogan of the festival is: "war is not a game. why play with military toys? peace starts with me." at the festival, children are invited to exchange their military toys for peaceful, non-violent and educational toys. children who have no military toys can bring along a poem or a drawing and exchange it for a creative game, a pencil, a ball and so on. the museum has got another wonderful collection: a worldwide collection of smiles. the smiles have come and are still coming in all different forms, including photographs, paintings, drawings, computer graphics, poems and jokes. the museum is planning to open a special hall of smiles. so start smiling now! come on, right now.
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