
Выбери верный ответ на вопрос: what holidays are the longest? 1) winter 2) summer 3) autum 4) spring

Английский язык


Kashtanov Anna
Summer  но всем и так понятна
  it was an  extinct   species of  flightless  rail . it was  endemic   to the  mascarene   island of  mauritius , east of  madagascar   in the  indian ocean. its height was 50 sm.  in addition to hunting pressure by humans, the fact that the red rail nested on the ground made it vulnerable to pigs and other  introduced animals, which ate their eggs and young, probably contributing to its extinction.  feral cats, which are effective predators of ground-inhabiting birds, increased in numbers around the 1680s. (the red rail)   it was an extinct species of  goose   from  reunion . it was a close relative of the  egyptian goose   and was about the same size. there is only one description remaining, that of  dubois   made in 1674. he mentioned that they were similar to european geese, but smaller, with the bill and feet being red. apart from that, the species is only known from brief reports and  subfossil  bones. (reunion  sheldgoose) it was a large  extinct  parrot . it was  endemic   to the  mascarene   island of  mauritius   in the  indian ocean   east of  madagascar . it is unclear what other  species   it is most closely related to, but it has been classified as a member of the  tribe  psittaculini , along with other mascarene parrots.  though mauritius had previously been visited by  arab   vessels in the  middle ages   and portuguese ships between 1507 and 1513, they did not settle on the island.   the dutch empire acquired the island    and it was used from then on for the provisioning of trade vessels of the dutch east india company. (broad-billed parrot)
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