
Мини сочинение на языке про доспримечатильности лондана с перводом

Английский язык


Marie tussaud (1761-1850) , nee groskholtts (grosholts), was born in strasbourg , her mother worked as a housekeeper for dr. phillip curtis engaged in wax models. he taught marie tussaud the art of working with wax. in 1765 she made a wax figure of joan murray dyubari , mistress of louis xv.the first exhibition of wax works by phillip curtis was held in 1770 and enjoyed great success . in 1776, the exhibition was held in the palais royal in paris. next event on the boulevard du temple in 1782, a predecessor of the cabinet of horror .in 1777, marie tussaud created her first wax figure (voltaire ) , and then followed by jean-jacques rousseau , benjamin franklin . during the french revolution she made death masks of the royal family . after his death in 1794 his collection phillip curtis goes to mary tussauds.in 1802, marie tussaud moved to london . in connection with the anglo-french war marie tussaud and her collection can not return to france, she was forced to travel across the uk and ireland . in 1835 was established the first permanent exhibition on baker street in london.one of the central parts of her museum was the chamber of horrors . part of the exhibition included victims of the french revolution , the figures of murderers and other criminals .over time, the collection was filled figures and other famous people , such as admiral nelson , walter scott . in 1884, the collection moved to marylebone road . in 1925 a fire destroyed many of the figures . forms are not affected, and the figures were reconstructed .
Ответ: wassily kandinsky was born in moscow on december 4, 1866. he spent his early childhood in odessa and learned the piano and cello at an early age. he would become one of the most influential artists and theorists of the 20th century. in 1886, however, he studied law and economics, at moscow university. it wasn't until 1896 that he went to munich to study art. in 1911, along with other german painters, he formed an art group called 'der blauer reiter.' he produced many abstract paintings during this time, full of brilliant colours and complex patterns. at the beginning of world war i, kandinsky returned to russia and became a teacher. it was then that he married 16-year-old nina de andrejevski. after the war, kandinsky returned to germany and became professor at the 'bauhaus of weimar.' kandinsky received german nationality in 1928 but he moved to france and settled there with his wife. he died there in 1944 at the age of 78. many people admire kandinsky's beautiful paintings to this day and recognise him as one of the first explorers of abstract art. перевод: василий кандинский родился в москве 4 сентября 1866 года. он провел свое раннее детство в одессе и изучал фортепиано и виолончель в раннем возрасте. он стал одним из самых влиятельных художников и теоретиков 20 столетия. в 1886 году, он изучал закон и в московском университете. этого не было до 1896 года, когда он поехал в мюнхен изучать искусство. в 1911 году, наравне с художниками, он основал группу художников под названием «блауер райтер». он написал много абстрактных картин в течение этого времени, полных великолепных ярких и сложных образцов. в начале первой мировой войны, кандинский вернулся в россию и стал учителем. тогда он женился на 16ти летней нине дэ андриевской. после войны, кандинский вернулся в германию и стал профессором университета «байхауз». кандинский получил гражданство в 1928 году, но он переехал во францию и обосновался там со своей женой. он умер там в 1944 году в возрасте 78 лет. многие люди восхищаются прекрасными картинами кандинского по сегодняшний день, и признают его как одного из первых исследователей абстрактного искусства. источник:  

His appearance talks about a person's well-being more than any other, since well-being and splendor are inextricably linked. The outer picture of a person is considered a reflection of his inner state. And a person whose body is harmoniously developed shines with an inimitable light. Healthy people are always confident in the future, they are overwhelmed with a sense of fun and satisfaction with life. And this position is certainly reflected on their appearance - cute , without traces of tension, diseases and fear. For example, if you are worried about preserving beauty, you need to carefully touch your own well-being before that.

A healthy lifestyle implies a proper table, physiological energy, real entertainment and almost everything else. As a result, a person who wants to preserve beauty must adhere to the correct regime of the day with a constant alternation of work and entertainment, with an incomplete and necessary duration of sleep and, of course, with an intense presence in the brisk air.

And the first step on the way to preserving beauty and well-being is to observe the purity of the body. Since ancient times, Greek and Egyptian queens had a habit of taking baths. Swimming became for them a specific rite of maintaining beauty, the fame of which has reached our years.

as for her, water procedures are considered the best method of hardening. The body becomes immune to colds and infections. And this is quite fundamental for storing beauty.

Well-being and splendor are also closely related to the quality of nutrition and lifestyle. There is disappointing data on how many serious diseases are caused by an incorrect daily routine, a lack of vitamins and other valuable drugs, overeating, a missing presence in the brisk air and an overstrain of the nervous system.

Speaking of beauty , we usually have in mind not only the appearance , a beautiful personality , but also the ability to steer with your own body , the ability to drive perfectly . In one text, the leading element of our attractiveness is considered to be a beautiful posture, which is achieved only by periodic sports. For beauty and well-being, functional movements are elementary, but they are just not enough for a progressive person. As a result, it is necessary to fill this need of the body with daily physiological work and intensive exercises. It is confirmed , in fact , that sport contains exceptional meaning and for the prevention of diseases .

Speaking of physiological well-being, do not forget about the well-being of the spirit. Since a measured, balanced person lives a more successful life. It is not for nothing that they talk, in fact, that our greatest asset is well—being, and this applies doubly to spiritual well-being. Almost all diseases of the heart, stomach, kidneys, skin and other organs are justified by stress - a violation of kind-hearted balance. This also affects human behavior in society.

By the way , worrying about our own well - being , improving our physical and spiritual situation , we worry about beauty . Since a beautiful appearance and good health are considered not only free of nature — they are achieved by willpower and purposeful efforts of the person himself.


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