
Нам задали краткий пересказ текста , который я напишу далее, напишите, , на языке краткий пересказ этого текста, : ) one day petey, who was a puppy, said to his mother, who was a dog: " i'd like a boy for christmas". his mother said she thought he could have a boy if he was a very good puppy. so the day before christmas petey's mother asked: " have your been a very good puppy? " " oh, yes! " said petey. "i didn't frighten the cat." "you didn't? " asked petey's mother. "well, i just frightened her a little, " said petey. " and i didn't chew any shoes." " not any? " said his mother. "just a teeny-weeny chew", said petey. " and i remembered - well you have been a good little dog. i will go out and get your a boy for christmas". but when petey's mother came back she looked very worried. "how world you like a soft white rabbit with pink ears for cristmas? " she said to petey. "no, thanks, " said petey. "don't you want a lovely canary? " "i'd like a boy, " said petey. "how about some little fish? " said petey's mother. " i just want a boy, " said petey. "petey, " said his mother at last, "there are no boys to be found." "no boys? " cried petey. "not one could i find. they're terribly short of boys this year". peter thought he couldn't stand it if he didn't have a boy. finally his mother said: "there now, there must be a boy somewhere. i think you could find some dog who would give his boy away". "do you think i could? " asked petey. "you can try, can't you? " said his mother.

Английский язык


Puppy petey once told his mother that he wants a boy for christmas. his mother promise to him that she will find a boy for petey if he'll be a very good puppy. the day before chritmas   petey told his mother that he was a  well-behaved puppy. in truth, almost well-behaved. then  petey's mother went outside to look a boy for him. but it appeared that there is no a free boy for petey. petey's mum advised him to ask others dogs if one od them can give him his boy.
Welcome to our store! can i help you? - good i was just looking around .- wait, is that you? light? you probably do not remember me , we've learned with you in the same class .- hmm, if i'm not mistaken you lena yes, of course i remember you , we're always doing projects together .- i am very glad to see tebya.kak business ? all - horosho.tebe like to work here ? how vidish.mozhet help you? - oh, yes, it would not ploho.v monday i'm going to my sister and niece , i want to make it syurpriz.ponyatiya kupit.byla no idea what the store perfume and toy store , but i think this will be enough .- by the way, recently brought us a lot of sports tovarov.mozhet choose anything from sports apparel ? - believe it or not , but i do not understand this .- i will be glad to help you, i can doveritsya.sleduy me please.- ok.- you can buy skates for his niece , they are very udobnyy.ya sure to please her .- in my opinion, it's a good idea! necessary to pick up something sister. - look, as i remember , your sister skiing , we just brought a new ski suits, they are very warm . легко)
Ферма здоровья. 1)"тысячи подростков имеют лишний вес",говорит менеджер фермы здоровья мистер вайт."многие,как и карен,просто не знают,как есть и оставаться здоровыми".  2)карен было 13 лет. она весила 80 килограмм,рост 1.55 см. на завтрак она обычно съедала большую тарелку хлопьев. в школе каждую перемену она ела наггетсы и чипсы. по вечерам она употребляла ещё больше жареного и часто съедала перед телевизором пакет печений или плитку шоколада. карен никогда не ела фрукты и редко свежие овощи. её основными занятиями были переключение каналов на тв и открывание дверцы холодильника. 3) ферма здоровья карен с диетой и планом . теперь она ест много свежих фруктов и овощей,регулярно плавает. до того она не занималась спортом,беспокоясь о своём размере. сейчас она весит 60 кг и всё ещё худеет. 4)мистер вайс говорит: "на ферму подростки часто приходят в депрессии и без уверенности. когда они уходят от нас,то гораздо более счастливы и уверены в себе."

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Нам задали краткий пересказ текста , который я напишу далее, напишите, , на языке краткий пересказ этого текста, : ) one day petey, who was a puppy, said to his mother, who was a dog: " i'd like a boy for christmas". his mother said she thought he could have a boy if he was a very good puppy. so the day before christmas petey's mother asked: " have your been a very good puppy? " " oh, yes! " said petey. "i didn't frighten the cat." "you didn't? " asked petey's mother. "well, i just frightened her a little, " said petey. " and i didn't chew any shoes." " not any? " said his mother. "just a teeny-weeny chew", said petey. " and i remembered - well you have been a good little dog. i will go out and get your a boy for christmas". but when petey's mother came back she looked very worried. "how world you like a soft white rabbit with pink ears for cristmas? " she said to petey. "no, thanks, " said petey. "don't you want a lovely canary? " "i'd like a boy, " said petey. "how about some little fish? " said petey's mother. " i just want a boy, " said petey. "petey, " said his mother at last, "there are no boys to be found." "no boys? " cried petey. "not one could i find. they're terribly short of boys this year". peter thought he couldn't stand it if he didn't have a boy. finally his mother said: "there now, there must be a boy somewhere. i think you could find some dog who would give his boy away". "do you think i could? " asked petey. "you can try, can't you? " said his mother.
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