Can you buy me a juice on your way home? do they go to australia every year? does she like chocolate?
Can you swimming? (умеешь ли ты плавать) can you reading? (умеешь ли ты читать) do you like a chocolate? (любишь ли ты шоколад) do you prefer coca-cola or sprite? ( что ты предпочитаешь, коку колу или спрайт) does she live here? (здесь ли она живёт) does he work in the office? (он работает в офисе? )
1the river flows very fast today -faster than usual 2 you is always complaining that waiters are rude! 3 i walk to school every day. i don't take the bus 4 you is always borrowing money! 5 that's worring because the number of people without job is increasing 6 robert is a vegetarian. he doesn't eat meat 7 do you cook your own dinner every day? 8 holidays abroad are becoming increasingly popular 9 are you in hurry? no, i am walking quickly because i'm cold 10 where's your father? he is in the bathroom. he is saving 11 the neighbors forever slam doors and shout during the night 12 my sister takes part in the competitions almost every weekend
St. valentine's day has roots in several different legends. one of the earliest popular symbols of the day is cupid, the roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with a bow and arrow. three hundred years after the death of jesus christ, the roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in the roman gods. valentine, a christian priest, had been thrown in prison for his teachings. on february 14,valentin8 was beheaded. the night before he was executed, he wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter signing it, "from your valentine". another legend tells us that this same valentine, wen-loved by all, wrote notes from his jail cell to children and friends who missed him. february 14 was also a roman holiday, held in honour of a goddess. young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities.