
Напишите на на языке.почему люди используют компьютер. где то не больше 7 предложений.

Английский язык


На языке перевод на язык computer компьютер computers have drastically changed everyone’s lives. several decades ago people haven’t even known anything about these electronic devices, whereas nowadays even a small child can operate this machine. almost all modern technology depends on computers, which are used for data storage: files, secret information, bank transactions and else. computer technology belongs to the fastest-growing industry. computers of different types and sizes are used by modern society. it is interesting that the first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed almost a ton. whereas now it can be a small chip the size of a pin. and computer technology is not standing still, it’s rapidly progressing. soon we might have the computers which will be built-in our glasses, earrings, and other objects. perhaps, the next generation of computers will have the ability to talk and think just as people do. many people find computers dangerous and time-consuming. on the other hand, computers are very fast and they seldom make mistakes. they save lots of time, and besides all the necessary information can be found on internet. so, instead of going to the libraries or other institutions, we can simply surf the worldwide web. another advantage is the instant possibility to send letters, whereas some time ago we had to wait for weeks and months to have them delivered. moreover, with the help of computers and internet, shopping has become much easier. firstly, we can find what we exactly want, secondly we can choose the affordable price, and thirdly, we can have the chose items delivered. after all, computers have become the most useful tool in everyone’s homes nowadays and they have certainly changed our lives for the better.
The computer entered our lives. several years ago it was rare to see any personal computer - they were, but they were very expensive, and even not every company can have in your office computer. and now? now in every third house has a computer that is already deeply involved in the life of man. modern computers are one one of the most significant achievements of human thought, which influence on the development of scientific and technical progress it is difficult to overestimate. the field of application of computers are constantly expanding. v machines in institutions computers literally revolutionized the business world. as was reduced their cost, more and more business people purchased computers. computers ceased to be a monopoly of factories, banks, big organizations. today they became property and small businesses, shops, offices, bureau of employment and even farms. secretary of all institutions in the preparation of reports and letters performs the processing of the texts. institutional apparatus uses a personal computer for displaying widescreen display tables and a graphic material. accountants use computers to control the finances of the institution. with the help of computer systems is the introduction of the documentation that is provided with electronic mail and communication with data banks. computer network connects different users located in the same institution or in different regions of the country. computers are used in a wide range of production tasks. for example, a manager at a major plant has at its disposal an automated control system, which ensures uninterrupted work of different units. computers are also used to monitor the temperature and pressure in the implementation of various production processes. when raising and lowering the temperature or pressure exceeds the permitted limit, the computer immediately sends a signal to a regulating device, which automatically restores the required conditions. also computer controlled robot. a robot is a mechanical device, controlled by a computer. unlike robots, which can be seen in the shops or in the movies, industrial robots, as a rule, not like a man. moreover, often it's just a large metal boxes with long arms, driven mechanically. various types of work in the factories, say, such as the automotive assembly lines include repetitive operations, such as bolts or coloring of body parts. work perform repetitive operations without a shadow of displeasure or signs of fatigue. computers are not a moment to lose attention to the production process and need no lunch breaks. robots can also perform work for people is too difficult, or even impossible, for example, in extreme heat or severe frost. they can prepare dangerous chemicals, work in heavily polluted air and total darkness. often one robot can replace the plant two business. in general, the use of robots helps to increase productivity and reduce production costs. v computer-assistant designer with computers becoming more automated, the person requires fewer steps than it's obvious, in very many times faster and + very many new ways to do business, or simply to make money
Ihave a dog,it is name [имя].it is [возраст].it is like [что любит собака желательно 2-3 предмета, еды и т.п.] it is can [что умеет собака].it is[качества собаки].i like my dog!                                         перевод у меня есть собака.её зовут[имя].она любит[что любит собака желательно 2-3 предмета,еды и т.п.]она умеет [что любит собака] она[качества собаки]я люблю свою собаку

ответ:There are four different seasons in the year and they all are unique. They please and surprise us with beauty and natural phenomena. All children and adults have their favorite season. Someone likes spring, someone likes summer, someone waits for autumn and winter. Every time of the year, just like a person has his own mood. There are people who love all seasons.

Many people like summer. This is the time of rest and vacations. This season provides an excellent opportunity to go to the sea and sunbathe. In the summer season, many berries, fruits, and vegetables are ripening. Days are getting longer and hotter, the nights are shorter. You have an opportunity to go to the countryside to the lake, have a picnic, take a walk in the wood. But, unfortunately, this time passes very quickly and autumn comes.


В году имеют место четыре разные времени года, они все уникальны и неповторимы. Каждый год, радуют и удивляют нас своё красотой и природными явлениями. У всех детей и взрослых есть своё любимое время года. Кто-то любит весну, кому-то нравится лето, кто-то ждёт и зиму. Каждое время года, как и человек имеет свое настроение. Есть люди, которые любят все времена года.

Многие любят лето. Это время отдыха и каникул. Лето предоставляет прекрасную возможность поехать на море и позагорать на солнце. В летний сезон созревает много ягод, фруктов, и овощей. Летом дни длинные и жаркие, ночи короткие и тёплые. Можно поехать загород к озеру, устроить пикник, совершить прогулку по лесу. Но, к сожалению, это время года проходит очень быстро и наступает осень. Дети идут в школу. Осень - золотая пора, время собирать урожай. Вся зелень меняет свой цвет и радует красивыми контрастами жёлтого и оранжевого оттенков. Улетают птицы, звери готовятся к зимнему сезону. Такая пора длится не долго, приходит черёд сильных дождей и холодов.

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