
Переведите with friend you have a lot of fun. a friend will never let you down. you’ll tell your secrets to your friend, and he will always understand.a friend is always there for you, and you can talk your problems through and now the most important thing, he’ll be with you through thick and thin.but if your friend just wants some fun and when you need him-lets you down and doesn’t give a helping hand, that is a fair-weather friend.he’ll stand by you to the end – and then you call that one your friend

Английский язык


Сдрузьями я много веселюсь друзья никогда меня не бросят ты расскажешь свой секрет своему другу и он всегда поймет друг всегда там для тебя и ты можешь поговорить о своих проблемах( через) и сейчас важнейшая вещь он будет с тобой будь ты толстый или худой но если твой друг просто хочет немного веселья дальше извини не успела
1you are in the kitchen on the ground floor, aren't you. are you in the kitchen on the ground floor. are you in the kitchen or living room on the ground floor. who is in the kitchen on the ground floor. where are you on the ground floor. 2olga and i have got a big green house with large windows, haven't they. have olga and i got a big green house with large windows. have olga and i got a big green house with large windows or a small cottage with many rooms. who has got a big green house with large windows. what have olga and i got.
Bill: i hate winter so much. i am tired. i could sleep like a bear and wake up in spring. mary: well, i don't like spring. but i'd rather fly like a bird to a nice south country and spend winter there. bill: yes, that might be a /good/ idea. mary: be careful, bill! we nearly fell into that ditch! it's really difficult to drive accurately when the weather is so bad. we aren't in a village. but i am driving slow, mary. don't be stupid. you're really safe with me. in spring we'll be back again. в общем, можно пропробовать так. хотя диалог ужасно тупой получается)) /good/ - вы не написали многоточие, но мне кажется там тоже пропущено слово. к тому же с idea должен идти артикль an, а не a как у вас. из этого я сделал вывод, что пропущено слово ещё одно.

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Переведите with friend you have a lot of fun. a friend will never let you down. you’ll tell your secrets to your friend, and he will always understand.a friend is always there for you, and you can talk your problems through and now the most important thing, he’ll be with you through thick and thin.but if your friend just wants some fun and when you need him-lets you down and doesn’t give a helping hand, that is a fair-weather friend.he’ll stand by you to the end – and then you call that one your friend
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