
С, long ago when the european settlers hadn’t vet arrived, the area was populated by native americans from the sioux tribe. they led a simple. peaceful life and hunted buffalo for food. the sioux belie\ ed in the power of nature and worshipped their gods the way their parents and grandparents had done for thousands and thousands of years. for them, the black hills were a very sacred area. when the europeans came. things started to change. they killed more buffalo than the sioux had ever done and soon the indians didn’t have enough food to eat. across the country the europeans took all the good land and moved the native american tribes into “reservations”. these were areas of dry land that the europeans didn’t want. in the reservations the indians had to give up their wandering way of life. at first the sioux seemed to be luckier than other tribes: the black hills area wasn’t very attractive to the europeans, so in the treaty of 1868 the us government promised that territory to the sioux forever. however, the promise wasn’t kept for long: very soon gold was found in the black hills, and thousands of prospectors flooded into the area. the us government forced the sioux to leave their land. that left the indians with no choice: they started a war against the occupiers. crazy horse was a sioux chief who led his tribe in the war. to his people he was a real hero: brave, handsome and fair. he earned their respect not only by his skill in battle hut also by his determination to preserve their traditional way ol\iifc and culture. but the sioux were defeated in the war. in fact. their defeat at the battle of wounded knee in 1890 was the last major defeat of native americans by white men on this continent. it was more of a massacre than a battle. hundreds of unarmed sioux women. children and men were shot and killed by us troops. so you all can imagine that when white men came into the black hills in 1927 and dynamited the faces of the four presidents into the sacred black hills. it was a deep insult to the sioux, who still lived in the area. in 1939 sioux chief standing bear decided to create a native american memorial in the black hills. he asked the sculptor korczak ziolkowski to carve a huge statue of crazy horse into another mountain in the black hills. there was no government funding for this project, so the sculptor used his own money to buy a big piece of the mountain. when the sculptor died, his family went on with the project. so far only crazy horse’s face is ready but when the whole statue is completed. it will be much bigger than any of the mount rushmore faces. on top of the mountain there will be the huge figure of a native american rider on a white horse, who even after his death guards the sacred hills of south dakota. the area which the sioux still consider their own. rob: excuse me, sir. just one quick question. is there a cave under the crazy horse monument? guide: i’m not sure about that, but it’s possible. there are a lot of caves in the mountains. the gold miners stopped digging there after it became more difficult to find gold in the caves.

Английский язык


Давним-давно , коли європейські поселенці не ветеринар приїхав , область була заселена індіанцями з племені сіу . вони вели простий . мирне життя і полювали буйвола в їжу. су спростовують \ ред в сили природи і поклонялися своїм богам , як їх батьки , бабусі і дідусі зробив для тисяч і тисяч років. для них , чорні пагорби були дуже священне місце.коли прийшов європейці. ситуація почала змінюватися. вони вбили більше бізонів , ніж сіу небудь робив і незабаром індіанці не мали достатньо їжі , щоб поїсти. по всій країні європейці взяли все ту добру землю і переїхав індіанські племена в " застереженнями " . це були райони суші , що європейці не хочуть. відносно застережень , індіанці повинні були відмовитися від своєї блукаючий спосіб життя.спочатку сіу , здавалося , пощастило більше , ніж іншим племенам : площа чорні пагорби був не дуже привабливим для європейців , тому в договорі 1868 уряд сша пообіцяв , що територію сіу назавжди. проте , обіцянка не була виконана недовго: дуже скоро золото було знайдено в блек -хіллс, і тисячі старателів хлинули в цьому районі. уряд сша змушений сіу покинути свої землі.це залишило індіанців без вибору: вони почали війну проти окупантів. crazy horse був головним су , який привів своє плем'я у війні. для свого народу він був справжнім героєм : хоробрий , красивий і справедливими. він заробив їх повагу не тільки його майстерність у бойовій хатині також по своїй рішучості зберегти свій традиційний спосіб ол \ iifc та культури . але сіу були переможені у війні. насправді . їх поразка в битві при вундед в 1890 році був останнім великим поразкою корінних американців білими людьми на цьому континенті . це було більше різанини , ніж битви. сотні беззбройних су жінок. дітей і чоловіків були застрелені американськими військами.таким чином , ви все можете собі уявити , що , коли білі люди прийшли в блек - хіллс у 1927 році і підірваний особи чотирьох президентів у священні блек -хілс . це було глибоко образливо для сіу , які досі жили в цьому районі. у 1939 році су- головний що стоїть ведмідь вирішив створити індіанську меморіал в блек -хілс . він попросив скульптора корчак ціолковський вирізати величезна статуя crazy horse в іншій гори в блек -хілс . там не було державне фінансування для цього проекту , так скульптор використовував свої власні гроші , щоб купити великий шматок гори. коли скульптор помер , його родина продовжувала з проектом. поки тільки обличчя crazy horse є готовий , але коли вся статуя буде завершена. це буде набагато більше , ніж будь-який з граней маунт- рашмор . на вершині гори буде величезна фігура індіанського вершника на білому коні , який навіть після його смерті охороняє священні хіллс в південній дакоті. область , яка сіу досі вважають самостійно.роб : вибачте , сер. тільки один швидкий питання . чи печера під crazy horse monument ? керівництво : я не впевнений в цьому , але це можливо. є багато печер у горах . золотошукачів зупинився копати там після того як стало важче знайти золото в печерах.

I think language learning has become more popular nowadays. There are a lot of languages people want to know. so not only English, but Japanese, Spanish, French, Russian and much more as well.

I hope, people have understood all of the advantages about knowing different languages

my opinion bases on necessary to communicate with other people, foreigners. so, if you know some other languages, besides your native one, you will easily connect with people. it helps you, when you travel, for example

nevertheless, some people think, it isn't necessary. I really can't understand them.


Where didn't Kate use to have a lunch?


При формировании специального вопроса за основу берется общий вопрос к предложению.   Didn't Kate use to have a lunch at school?

Для того чтобы преобразовать его в специальный, необходимо добавить в начало предложения одно из вопросительных слов.

Вопросительные слова:

What? — Что?

Where? — Где?

When? — Когда?

Why? — Почему?

Who? — Кто?

Which? — Который?

Whose? — Чей?

Whom? — Кого?

How? — Как?

Выбираем вопросительное слово Where и получается Where didn't Kate use to have a lunch?  

at school убираем, потому что спрашиваем где?

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С, long ago when the european settlers hadn’t vet arrived, the area was populated by native americans from the sioux tribe. they led a simple. peaceful life and hunted buffalo for food. the sioux belie\ ed in the power of nature and worshipped their gods the way their parents and grandparents had done for thousands and thousands of years. for them, the black hills were a very sacred area. when the europeans came. things started to change. they killed more buffalo than the sioux had ever done and soon the indians didn’t have enough food to eat. across the country the europeans took all the good land and moved the native american tribes into “reservations”. these were areas of dry land that the europeans didn’t want. in the reservations the indians had to give up their wandering way of life. at first the sioux seemed to be luckier than other tribes: the black hills area wasn’t very attractive to the europeans, so in the treaty of 1868 the us government promised that territory to the sioux forever. however, the promise wasn’t kept for long: very soon gold was found in the black hills, and thousands of prospectors flooded into the area. the us government forced the sioux to leave their land. that left the indians with no choice: they started a war against the occupiers. crazy horse was a sioux chief who led his tribe in the war. to his people he was a real hero: brave, handsome and fair. he earned their respect not only by his skill in battle hut also by his determination to preserve their traditional way ol\iifc and culture. but the sioux were defeated in the war. in fact. their defeat at the battle of wounded knee in 1890 was the last major defeat of native americans by white men on this continent. it was more of a massacre than a battle. hundreds of unarmed sioux women. children and men were shot and killed by us troops. so you all can imagine that when white men came into the black hills in 1927 and dynamited the faces of the four presidents into the sacred black hills. it was a deep insult to the sioux, who still lived in the area. in 1939 sioux chief standing bear decided to create a native american memorial in the black hills. he asked the sculptor korczak ziolkowski to carve a huge statue of crazy horse into another mountain in the black hills. there was no government funding for this project, so the sculptor used his own money to buy a big piece of the mountain. when the sculptor died, his family went on with the project. so far only crazy horse’s face is ready but when the whole statue is completed. it will be much bigger than any of the mount rushmore faces. on top of the mountain there will be the huge figure of a native american rider on a white horse, who even after his death guards the sacred hills of south dakota. the area which the sioux still consider their own. rob: excuse me, sir. just one quick question. is there a cave under the crazy horse monument? guide: i’m not sure about that, but it’s possible. there are a lot of caves in the mountains. the gold miners stopped digging there after it became more difficult to find gold in the caves.
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