Это весёлый фильм, об умном и хитром мальчике,и о двух ворах,которые хотели ограбить дом, когда кевин оставался один. но он не паниковал,кевин придумывал простые ловушки для воров. они не смогли ограбить дом, кевину,и воров посадили за решетку. когда семья возвращалась,(они всегда забывали кевина),он становился для них героем. it's very funny film,about clever and crafty boy,and about thieves,who wanted to rob a house, when kevin was alone at home. but he wasn't in panic,he invented easy traps for theives.they couldn't to rob a house,thanks to kevin,and thieves were arrested/ when family came back(they always forgot kevin),he became for them a hero
Vologda - a city in russia, founded in 1147. located 450 km from moscow. in the city identified 224 monuments of history, architecture, culture, 128 of them were taken under state protection. vologda is one of the largest cities in the north-west of russia and one of the oldest russian cities. in vologda, as in any ancient russian city, built quite a number of churches and cathedrals. unfortunately, many of vologda church were abandoned at some point, and now - is overgrown with grass and bushes ancient ruins.