learning foreign languages is very necessary for people, especially nowadays. there are many ways how you can learn any foreign language. for example, you can do it abroad or in your home country. some people consider that learning foreign languages in their home country is better. but i don’t agree with them. in my opinion, learning foreign languages abroad is better.
and now i will try to explain my point of view. firstly, i think that, if you learn english or any other foreign language abroad, you will learn it more quickly because you’ll live in the country where all people speak this foreign language. you’ll always hear them speaking and remember some words and try to imitate their pronunciation. secondly, if you learn english abroad, you can get to know new countries, new people, make new foreign friends. as for me, it is very interesting and exciting. and thirdly, learning foreign languages abroad is easier and more effective because there you will speak with the people who don’t know your native language.but there’s another point of view on this problem. somebody prefers learning foreign languages in his home country. they consider that it is more dependable, and you don’t have to go anywhere. maybe, these people are right, too. but i can’t support their point of view.in conclusion, i would like to say that you can choose any way of learning foreign languages. but personally i prefer learning foreign languages abroad because in this way i can learn them more quickly, and, moreover, it is more interesting and easier to learn foreign language in a foreign country.
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Переведите тексты: 1) it is easy to be rude on the continent. you just shout and call people names of a zoological character. in england rudeness has quite a different technique. if somebody tells you an obviously untrue story, on the continent you would remark, "you are a liar, sir, and rather dirty one at that." in england you just say, "oh, is that so? " or "that's rather an unusual story, isn't it? "when some years ago, knowing ten words in english and using them all wrong, i applied for a translator's job, my would-be employer (or would-be-not-employer) softly remarked, "i am afraid your english is somewhat unorthodox."this translated into any continental language would mean, "kick this gentleman down the steps! "in the 19th century, when a wicked and unworthy subject annoyed the sultan of turkey or the tzar of russia, he had his head cut off without much ceremony; but when the same happened in england, the monarch declared, "we are not amused, " and the whole british nation even now, a century later, is immensely proud of how rude their queen was.terribly rude expressions (if pronounced seriously) are: "i am afraid ", "", "", "how " and "1 am sorry, "it is true that quite often you can hear remarks like: "you'd better see that you get out of here! " or "shut your big mouth! " or "dirty pig! " etc. these remarks are very un-english and are the results of foreign influence. (dating back, however, to the era of the danish invasion.) 2)you foreigners are so clever, " said a lady to me some years ago. first i considered this remark exaggerated but complimentary. since then i have learnt that it was far from it. these few words expressed the lady's contempt and slight disgust for foreigners.if you look up the word "clever" in any english dictionary, you will find that dictionaries are out of date and mislead you on this point. according to the "pocket oxford dictionary", for instance, the word means quick and neat in movement skilful, talented, ingenious. all nice adjectives, expressing valuable and estimable characteristics. a modern englishman, however, uses the word "clever" in the sense: shrewd, sly, furtive, surreptitious, treacherous, sneaking, crafty, un-english, un-scottish, un-welsh.in england it is bad manners to be clever. it may be your own personal view that two and two make four, but you must not state it in a self-assured way, because this is a democratic country and others may be of a different opinion. a continental gentleman seeing a nice panorama may remark: "this view rather reminds me of utrecht, where the peace treaty concluding the war of spanish succession was signed on the 11th april, 1713. the river there, however, recalls the guadalquivir, which rises in the sierra de cazorla and flows southwest to the atlantic ocean and is 650 kilometres long."this pompous, showing-off way of speaking is not permissible in england. the englishman is modest and simple. he uses but few words and expresses so much — but so much — with them. an englishman looking at the same view would remain silent for two or three hours and think about how to put his profound feeling into words. then he would remark: "it's pretty, isn't it? "an english professor of mathematics would say to his maid checking up the shopping list: "i'm no good at arithmetic, i'm afraid. please correct me, jane, if i am wrong, but i believe that the square root of 97344 is 312."and about knowledge. an english girl, of course, would be able to learn just a little more about, let us say, geography. but it is just not "chic" to know whether budapest is the capital of romania, hungary or bulgaria. and if she happens to know that budapest is the capital of romania, she should at least be perplexed if bucharest is mentioned suddenly.it is so much nicer to ask, when someone speaks of barbados or fiji: "oh those little are they british? " (they usually are.)