Вгороде моей мечты на улицах будут прибираться будет чисто. все люди будут добрыми и не бросят никого никогда в беде.в городе всё будет бесплатно будет много аттракционов . самое главное в городе будут 3д школы мы в них будем заниматься при игры в городе у меня будет много друзей, мы всегда будем дружить со всеми. in the city of my dreams on the streets will clean up will be clean. all people will be good and will not leave anyone in badev city everything will be free, there will be many attractions . the most important thing in the city will be 3d school we will deal with the game in town i will have a lot of friends, we will always be friends with everyone.
Ireally enjoy spending my free time in the forest. it is very excited and i can do a lot of different activities that i can't do in the city. for example, in the early morning i prefer going fishing with my father. at this time you are really sleepy but you feel excited because of this activity. also, i like picking up mushrooms and berries. sometimes i help my granny with her garden. i water the flowers and do other things for her. in my opinion, people should do it once a year because it helps to be near the nature. also, it is good for our health to breath the fresh air. once i even went hunting! i will never forget it. я не считала сколько там слов. думаю, что достаточно : d
adjective adverb happy, happily hard, hard daily, daily early, early fast, fast late, late calm, calmly.
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