ответ:Задание 2. Завершите предложения и выберите
правильное имя в соответствии с описанием. (2
правильные ответы!)
Мухтар Ауэзов (1897-1961)
родился в Семейской области. когда
он был ребенком, он любил стихи
Абая Кунонбалули. Известный
поэт был соседом семьи
и друг его деда.
Мухтар умел читать и писать раньше
он пошел в школу - его дед
учил его. Мухтар Ауэзов лучший
известен как автор пьес и
романы, вроде Верлик-кебека и Абая.
Жолы (Пот Абои), но и он
работал переводчиком. Он перевел
некоторые из произведений Уильяма Шекспира
играет на казахском
Газиза Жубонова (1927 - 1993)
была первой казахкой
композитор. Ее отец Ахмер
Жубанов был известным музыкантом,
тоже. Когда ей было 18 лет, она пошла
в Москву ио учеба в Гнесиных
Музыкальное училище и Московский
Консерватория. Затем она отказалась
Казахстон и в 1975 году она стала
директор Алматинской консерватории
Она писала красивую музыку для опер.
как Енлик Кебек, основанный на
по пьесе Мухтара Авезова.
Абильхан Кастеев (1904-1973)
был первым казахстанским профессионалом
художник. Его родители были бедны
кочевники и жили в маленькой деревне
в Талдыкорганской области Абильхан
был очень креативным. Он красил
более тысячи картин.
Когда ему был 41 год, он стал
Председатель Союза художников России.
Казахстан Около 11 лет спустя
он умер, правительство переименовало
Музей искусств сланца в его
честь вы можете увидеть некоторые из его
картины в музее,
и ее отец
были известные музыканты.
Правильных ответов: 2
Мухтар Ауэзов
Абильхан Кастеев
Газиза Жубанова
Ахмет Жубанов
Объяснение:вот перевод думаю сам разберёшься
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Текст за 6 класс учебник спортлайт, модуль 10, текст называется coast to coast.
Time-money, this axiom is translated into a thousand languages of the world, in each of them it sounds differently, but still the meaning remains the same. People are lost in time, they are used to spending it on actions and things they do not need. Yes, more than half of humanity wastes their time wasting it on uninteresting work or unpleasant to their hearts. What does this phrase mean, and is it really so ?!
This axiom can be considered from two sides, one of them is positive, the other, on the contrary, negative. Money began to occupy the first place in the list of human needs, and this is not only because it can buy food and get amenities. Because of money they lie, give and kill, they began to rule us, and there is nothing we can do about it.
Few will say that true happiness is not in money, most likely he will be cunning, or this person actually has a tight wallet that no longer brings him pleasure.
We used to spend a lot of our time wasting it at work, and then anxiously run around the shops, looking for goods with yellow price tags, as money is still not enough. They spend their time making money, justifying the fact that living without money is simply impossible. But many people will be convinced otherwise, because having lost something important in his life, a person understands as insignificant money compared to his loss. Money is no longer their number one priority, but they realize it too late. One can take the example of Buddhist monks who arbitrarily give up all human goods, giving their lives to many hours of meditation and helping people.
Money only takes away from us more than just time, it takes away our whole lives. Think of Robinson Crusoe, who landed on a desert island. In his hometown, he was a respected figure, with considerable wealth. But it did not help him on the island, he looked with irony at the coins in the chest, realizing how much this metal used to mean to him.
I believe that this phrase has a positive meaning. If you take money, not as securities, but something more valuable for everyone. For example, it is a healthy lifestyle, a person can also spend time on hours of training and fitness, from which he will get a good figure and excellent health. That is, time will have to be spent in any case, and this axiom, in paraphrased form, takes on a completely different meaning.
There are those for whom money becomes the most important thing in life. For example, well-known bankers or businessmen, it is they who own this phrase. They know that every minute spent costs them a few thousand, so they do not waste time in vain. But can they be judged, for most of them work becomes the main source of pleasure, and money is only a pleasant investment in their happiness.
Time-money, in my opinion, it is not necessary to live guided by this phrase, as they say a lot of money, you will not earn everything. WE are not able to buy time, so we need to spend it on something really important. You should not count the minutes, carding yourself for how much money you have lost during this time. If you do not live by work, if there are completely different values for you, then you do not need to kill time for hard labor. Remember that you will never be able to buy health and love for money, but if you succeed in the latter, then without money, this love will quickly leave you. Count your time correctly, do not live by stereotypes, be smarter!