
Найти в тексте 10 ошибок: my doll is the beautifullest doll in a work. she have got big blue eyes. her hairs are long and yellow. she can to walk and talk. i think my doll is nice that ann" doll. her clothes is very smart. she wearing a pink dress, white tights and black shoes.

Английский язык


My doll is the beautifullest (the most beautiful) doll in a work (? незнаю). she have (has) got big blue eyes. her hairs (hair) are (is) long and yellow. she can to (can) walk and talk. i think my doll is nice (nicer) that ann" (ann's) doll. her clothes is (are) very smart. she wearing (wears) a pink dress, white tights and black shoes.

- Какое место делает тебя счастливым?

1) Что пишут Меган и Бен о своих комнатах?

Я счастливее всего, когда нахожусь дома со своей семьей

. Нет другого места лучше! Я люблю свой дом и

Мне нравится быть в своей комнате. Он маленький, но приятный.

У меня в комнате много хороших вещей: книги

и игрушки. У меня нет ни компьютера, ни телевизора.

Я не хочу их иметь. Когда мне хочется

посмотреть телевизор, я спускаюсь вниз и провожу время с

семьей в гостиной. В моей комнате всегда

чисто. Мы его немного переделали. Теперь это

очень приятно. Моим друзьям это тоже нравится.

твое любимое место-моя квартира и моя маленькая кровать ... ​


вот так вроде)

On week days i usually get up nearly six o'clock. i do not like to get up early, but i have to, because i have a lot of work to do during the day. i make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. my mother usually prepares, breakfast for me, but sometimes i do it myself. if i prepare my breakfast for my own, i should have to get up earlier. i do not like big breakfasts; i prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich. then i go to school. it is rather far from my house and i go there by bus. i have classes till two or three o'clock, it depends on a week day. then i come home and have dinner. i like a big dinner, because when i come home from school i am hungry.

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Найти в тексте 10 ошибок: my doll is the beautifullest doll in a work. she have got big blue eyes. her hairs are long and yellow. she can to walk and talk. i think my doll is nice that ann" doll. her clothes is very smart. she wearing a pink dress, white tights and black shoes.
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