
Put the verb in brackets into the present indefinite, future indefinite and the future continuous. 1) don't ring her up at 12 o'clock. she (write) her composition then. 2) at this time tomorrow the boys of our group (play) football. 3) when we arrive in moscow, it will probably (rain 4) it is nearly autumn, soon the leaves (change) colour. 5) i (be) in irkutsk tomorrow morning. 7) my cousin (be) 21 years old next year. 8) "we (come) at 5 o'clock." "good, i (wait) for you ." 9) at this time next week they (sit) in the train on their way to moscow. 10) if you (want) to see us, come to tom's on sunday. we (wait) for you there at midday. 1) i (know) the result in a day. 2) i (not see) him again for a long time. 3) they (have) english from nine to ten in this room tomorrow. don't let anyone disturb them then. 4) "i (call) for her at eght." "no, don't, she still (have) breakfast then. 5) my son (be) in the ninth form next year. your mother (teach) him english. 6) "what you (do) at this time next friday? " "oh, i (work) as usual." 7) what the children (do) when we (get) home? " "i think the (play)." 8) "you (have) lunch with me on monday? " "i'd love to, but i'm afraid i (take) my exams then." 9) i (not remember) when they return. 10) when i (get) home my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me.

Английский язык


Kondratchik Vladimir
1. will be writing; 2. will be playing, 3. will be raining, 4. will cahange; 5. will be; 7. will be; 8. will come; will be waiting; 9. will be sitting; 10. want, will be waiting; 1. will know; 2. won't see; 3. will be having; 4. will call, will be having; 5. will be; teaches; 6. will you be doing; 7. will be doing; get; 8. will you have; 9. don't remember; get; will be sitting


Поместите глаголы в скобки в правильной форме Present Simple:

1. Компьютеры (для обработки) данных и (для предоставления) результатов

обработка в указанном формате в качестве информации.

2. Стандартная компьютерная система (состоит) из трех основных частей:

Центральный процессор, основная память и периферийные устройства.

3. Блок управления (изучить) инструкции в программе пользователя.

4. Периферийные устройства (в том числе) запоминающие устройства и устройства ввода / вывода.


5. Устройства ввода (для включения) данных в память компьютера.

6. Центральный процессор (для выполнения) программ и (для

координировать) деятельность всех других подразделений.

II. Приведите следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:

1. Блок управления управляет всеми остальными блоками компьютерной системы.

2. Устройства ввода позволяют нам вводить информацию в компьютер.

3. Мы взаимодействуем с компьютерами, вводя инструкции и данные в


4. Сканер преобразует текст или изображения в электронные коды.

Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

1. Чтобы управлять джойстиком, пользователь берет и перемещает вертикальный рычаг.

2. Устройства хранения обеспечивают постоянное хранение как данных, так и


3. Устройства вывода позволяют нам извлекать готовый продукт из


4. Компьютеры делают 500 000 сумм в секунду.

5. Он много времени проводит в библиотеке, чтобы сделать отчет.

6. Студенты ежедневно работают в компьютерном классе.


How to lead a healthy and correct lifestyle for children.

Currently, maintaining a healthy lifestyle (HLS) has become not only useful, but also a fashionable hobby. More and more people choose active sports and proper nutrition, which are the key to health, well-being, good mood and a beautiful figure. They try to attract their families and children to the right way of life.

Health is our gift. Therefore, it is necessary to protect and preserve it from early childhood by any means. A healthy lifestyle for children is a fundamental factor in the physical and moral development of the child, his harmonious existence in society.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

- daily routine;

- fresh air;

- motor activity;

- healthy food;

- mental and emotional state.

How to organize an active lifestyle for a child?

For every child, the most important example and motivator in life is the parents, whom they strive to be like in everything, so a healthy lifestyle should start with them.

Children easily listen to the advice of mom and dad, are interested in their hobbies, and joint sports and proper nutrition with the whole family will help you unobtrusively teach this child from an early age.

For example, in the summer, arrange regular family walks with a bicycle, scooter, roller skates, play ball, go to the pool together, go for a morning jog, go hiking, and in the winter - go sledding, skating, skiing, and so on. If you have a hobby, then introduce children to it as well. This is not only a good method of raising and developing a child, but also a great way to unite the family.

According to the Ministry of Health, children and adolescents should devote at least 60 minutes/day to physical activity. Of course, this does not mean that the child should go to the sports section every day, it is enough to go for a walk with the child or ride bicycles, play any outdoor games. Especially joint games with the child, allow you to spend more time with the child together.

Daily schedule

The child's daily routine is based on his age and individual qualities. The educational potential is also of great importance.

A properly organized daily routine should meet the key physiological needs of the body (rest, sleep, nutrition). The fulfillment of these conditions will lead to the fact that the child will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of health culture.

People are divided into owls and larks, which should be taken into account when determining the daily routine of a child.

How many hours a day should a child sleep?

Full sleep is as much an integral part of a healthy lifestyle as nutrition and physical education. A child who has enough rest, as a rule, is happier and healthier than their peers who have not had enough sleep.

Children in preschool age should sleep for 9-10 hours a day

School-age children and adolescents should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.

Fresh air

Fresh air and daily walks have a beneficial effect on the body. You need to walk in any weather. It is useful to be in places where there is a lot of greenery, trees and flowers. Noisy streets, polluted with harmful car exhaust, are best avoided.

It is very useful for the health of the child to sleep in the fresh air. For example, on a balcony, at an open window, or in a wheelchair.

Movement and sports-as a guarantee of health

A sporty lifestyle leads to the strengthening and healthy development of the child. Physical education classes make the child more resilient and healthy. Exercise is good for strengthening bones, muscles, and joints. It is also useful for weight control and burning extra calories. After all, the modern lifestyle and poor nutrition do not have a very beneficial effect on the body of children.

Proper nutrition:

How to provide a child with proper nutrition?

The simplest and most obvious method is the so-called "smart plate" or "health plate" method.

Half of the child's diet should consist of non-starchy vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, legumes, etc.).)

A quarter of the child's diet should contain starch-containing foods (whole-grain bread, potatoes, corn, peas, cereals, rice, etc.).)

The rest of the diet should contain lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish or lean beef).

To all this, add fruit and non-fat milk.

Many children are overweight, which is associated with poor nutrition, which is as difficult to get rid of as adults. Parents who have children with a tendency to fatness, should especially carefully monitor the correctness of their nutrition. Otherwise, an irresponsible attitude to this issue in childhood will lead to greater health problems for the child at an older age.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Put the verb in brackets into the present indefinite, future indefinite and the future continuous. 1) don't ring her up at 12 o'clock. she (write) her composition then. 2) at this time tomorrow the boys of our group (play) football. 3) when we arrive in moscow, it will probably (rain 4) it is nearly autumn, soon the leaves (change) colour. 5) i (be) in irkutsk tomorrow morning. 7) my cousin (be) 21 years old next year. 8) "we (come) at 5 o'clock." "good, i (wait) for you ." 9) at this time next week they (sit) in the train on their way to moscow. 10) if you (want) to see us, come to tom's on sunday. we (wait) for you there at midday. 1) i (know) the result in a day. 2) i (not see) him again for a long time. 3) they (have) english from nine to ten in this room tomorrow. don't let anyone disturb them then. 4) "i (call) for her at eght." "no, don't, she still (have) breakfast then. 5) my son (be) in the ninth form next year. your mother (teach) him english. 6) "what you (do) at this time next friday? " "oh, i (work) as usual." 7) what the children (do) when we (get) home? " "i think the (play)." 8) "you (have) lunch with me on monday? " "i'd love to, but i'm afraid i (take) my exams then." 9) i (not remember) when they return. 10) when i (get) home my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me.
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