now the earth needs our help more than ever before. despite the constant development of technology and medicine, we may face problems that have arisen for a long time. now we have a lot of global problems that can eventually lead to our death. many species of animals and fish are on the verge of
extinction, the water in the ocean and seas is polluted, and small lakes and rivers dry up, forests are destroyed. problem solving maybe our strength can't be underestimated, we have to think and start doing something. as humans, we have a great opportunity to help our planet and ourselves.
жанр-это вид творчества, который сложился . она подразумевает форму, содержание и назначение музыки. музыкальные жанры начали формироваться на раннем этапе развития музыки в условиях формирования первобытных сообществ. затем музыка сопровождала каждый шаг человеческой деятельности: жизнь,
работу, речь и так далее. таким образом, сформировались основные жанровые принципы, которые мы будем анализировать дальше.
genre-a kind of creativity that has developed historically. it implies the form, content and purpose of the music. musical genres began to form
at an early stage of music development in the conditions of formation of primitive communities. then music accompanied every step of human activity: life, work, speech and so on. thus, the basic genre principles were formed, which we will analyze further.
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