
:read the text. here is a story from the book “mary poppins” by p. l. travers about maia who’s come from the heaven on christmas day to buy presents. “ here we are! ” said maia, as she came into the toy department. “now, what will we choose? i want something for my sisters – six of them. can you help me, please? ” said maia, smiling at an assistant. “certainly, madam, ” said the assistant. “first – my eldest sister, ” said maia. “she’s very domestic what about that little stove with the silver saucepans (плита с серебряными кастрюлями)? yes. and that broom (метла there is so much dust (пыль) on the star, and she will love to sweep it up. now for taygete. she likes dancing. don’t you think, jane, a skipping-rope would be just thing for her? then there’s alcyone. she’s difficult. she’s so quiet and serious and never seems to want anything. a book? what is this “family – the swiss-robinsons”? i think she would like that. and if she doesn’t she can look at the pictures. i know what celano wants. a hoop (обруч). she’ll love that red and blue one. michael, what would you advise for sterope? ” “what about a top (волчок)? ” said michael. “a top? what a good idea! she will love to watch it. and what do you think for merope, the baby, jane? ” “john and barbara, ” said jane, “have rubber ducks! ” “oh, jane, how wise you are! a rubber duck for merope, please, a blue one with yellow eyes. that’s right! ” 1 level – mark «3» 1.) tranlate the words into russian: a sister – serious – an idea – red – a duck – blue – 2.) write the names of the presents: 3.) write the names of those for whom maia bought presents: 2 level – mark «4» 1.)scan through the story and complete the sentences. a) “i want something for my sisters …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b) there is so much dust …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. c) she can look ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2.)find the english equivalents for the following russian phrases: a) моя самая старшая сестра – b) она любит танцевать – c) резиновая утка – 3.) match the names and the presents: taygete a hoop alcyone a rubber duck celano a book sterope a skipping-rope merope a top 3 level – mark «5» 1.) write t (true) or f (false) next to each of these statements: a) “certainly, madam, ” said michael. b) my eldest sister is very domestic. c) there is so much dust on the floor. d) taygete likes dancing. e) a rubber duck is for celano. 2.)put the events in the right order and retell the text. 1. taygete likes dancing that’s why maia decided to buy a skipping-rope for her. 2. maia bought a little stove with the silver saucepans for her eldest sister. 3. maia came into the toy department. 4. jane helped maia to choose a present for merope. 5. maia would like to buy a book for her. 6. alcyone is quiet and serious. 7. she wanted to buy christmas presents.

Английский язык


1)сестра-серьезно идея-красный утка-синий 2) little stove with the silver saucepansa  broom a skipping-ropea book  family – the swiss-robinsons a hoop a top rubber duck3)taygete alcyone celano merope

Общие вопросы — это такие вопросы, на которые можно ответить либо да, либо нет (еще можно ответить «не знаю», но это же не про нас).

Do you like opera? — No, I don’t.

Ты любишь оперу? — Нет, не люблю.

Are you a football player? — Yes, I am.

Ты футболист? — Да.

Как задать такой вопрос на английском с глагола to do

Помимо to be в предложении может быть любой другой глагол:

The fish swims in the ocean — Рыба плавает в океане My friends play football — Мои друзья играют в футбол I sing opera — Я пою оперу

И тогда нужно использовать глагол DO

Does the fish swim in the ocean?

Do my friends play football?

Do I sing opera?

Оставлять                                                                                                       четверть                                                                                                             девятого                                                                                                           взять                                                                                                               газеты                                                                                                               знак                                                                                                                   экзамен                                                                                                           таможня                                                                                                           приехать                                                                                                           получить                                                                                                           часто                                                                                                             хотеть                                                                                                               создать

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

:read the text. here is a story from the book “mary poppins” by p. l. travers about maia who’s come from the heaven on christmas day to buy presents. “ here we are! ” said maia, as she came into the toy department. “now, what will we choose? i want something for my sisters – six of them. can you help me, please? ” said maia, smiling at an assistant. “certainly, madam, ” said the assistant. “first – my eldest sister, ” said maia. “she’s very domestic what about that little stove with the silver saucepans (плита с серебряными кастрюлями)? yes. and that broom (метла there is so much dust (пыль) on the star, and she will love to sweep it up. now for taygete. she likes dancing. don’t you think, jane, a skipping-rope would be just thing for her? then there’s alcyone. she’s difficult. she’s so quiet and serious and never seems to want anything. a book? what is this “family – the swiss-robinsons”? i think she would like that. and if she doesn’t she can look at the pictures. i know what celano wants. a hoop (обруч). she’ll love that red and blue one. michael, what would you advise for sterope? ” “what about a top (волчок)? ” said michael. “a top? what a good idea! she will love to watch it. and what do you think for merope, the baby, jane? ” “john and barbara, ” said jane, “have rubber ducks! ” “oh, jane, how wise you are! a rubber duck for merope, please, a blue one with yellow eyes. that’s right! ” 1 level – mark «3» 1.) tranlate the words into russian: a sister – serious – an idea – red – a duck – blue – 2.) write the names of the presents: 3.) write the names of those for whom maia bought presents: 2 level – mark «4» 1.)scan through the story and complete the sentences. a) “i want something for my sisters …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b) there is so much dust …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. c) she can look ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2.)find the english equivalents for the following russian phrases: a) моя самая старшая сестра – b) она любит танцевать – c) резиновая утка – 3.) match the names and the presents: taygete a hoop alcyone a rubber duck celano a book sterope a skipping-rope merope a top 3 level – mark «5» 1.) write t (true) or f (false) next to each of these statements: a) “certainly, madam, ” said michael. b) my eldest sister is very domestic. c) there is so much dust on the floor. d) taygete likes dancing. e) a rubber duck is for celano. 2.)put the events in the right order and retell the text. 1. taygete likes dancing that’s why maia decided to buy a skipping-rope for her. 2. maia bought a little stove with the silver saucepans for her eldest sister. 3. maia came into the toy department. 4. jane helped maia to choose a present for merope. 5. maia would like to buy a book for her. 6. alcyone is quiet and serious. 7. she wanted to buy christmas presents.
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