choose the correct form of the verb. to or -ing?
1. i enjoy listening to music.
2. my memory is getting worse. i keep forgetting things.
3. if you invest your money on the stock market, you risk to lose it.
choose the correct form of the verb.
1. it was a nice day, so we decided to go for a walk.
2. they don’t have much money. they can’t afford going out very often.
3. hurry up! i don’t want to risk missing the train.
read the sentences and choose the right answer.
1. we were able to translate the letter into english without using a dictionary.
2. it was a long day. i was tired after running from shop to shop.
3. we lost our way because we went straight on instead of turning left.
read the sentences and put the verbs into the correct form.
1. we tried to put the fire out but without success. we had to call the fire brigade.
2. please leave me alone. i’m trying to concentrate.
3. he looks so funny. whenever i see him, i can’t help smiling.
present perfect:
have you already met mr. bin and his wife? - вы уже встречались с мистером бином и его ? i have already met mr. bin and his wife.-я уже встречался с мистером бином и его . i haven’t met mr. bin and his wife yet.-я еще не встречался с мистером бином и его женой.have they finished yet? - они еще не закончили? they have already finished.-они уже закончили.they haven’t finished yet.они еще не закончили.present progressive:
i am writing in order to draw your attention to the latest news.-пишу, чтобы обратить ваше внимание на последние новости.small flocks are flitting about.-маленькие стайки носятся взад-вперед.meredith is not enjoying karev’s company.-мередит не нравится общение с каревом.bobby and ben are not playing cricket.-бобби и бен не играют в крикет.are bobby and ben making a spaceship or a helicopter? -бобби и бен мастерят космический корабль или вертолет? are those clawed fish swimming around here? -здесь плавает та рыба с когтями?Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
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