Iwould like to go to new york. it's my dream. i have a lot of reasons , and that's the main one : new york city is still a great vacation destination, with broadway shows and the statue of liberty and times square and lots of tourist attractions and great shopping and dining and nightlife opportunities, so that's why people want to travel there, simple as that . also i have seen a lot of movies related with this city .i hope my dream come true and i will go to this pretty nice city.
Ilove america, there is a lot of things interesnogo.new york one of the city skyline, it becomes even more beautiful at night. i like big cities, there are a lot of things unknown to me
Ай синк ю олреди ноу, оф тоу энд боу, энд коух энд доух. азерс май стамбл, бат нот ю он хиккоу, сру, таф энд сру. велл дан энд нау ю виш, перхапс ту лён оф лесс фамильяр трапс бевэйр оф хёд, а дрейдфул ворд зет лукс лайк бирд энд саундс лайк бёрд. энд дед; итс сэйд лайк бед, нот бид - фор гаднесс сейк донт колл ит дид! воч аут фот мит, энд грейт энд трит - зей рим вид сьют энд стрейт энд дебт. э мос из нот э мосин мазер, нор боус ин базер ор ин бразер. энд хир из нот э мэтч фор зер. нор дир энд фир фор бир энд пир. э дредфул лэнгуидж мэн олайв, айд мастеред ит вен ай вос файв! а вообще, произношением надо заниматься и уметь читать уже, если вы проходите такие стихи : )
1.many 2.much/a lot of-оба возможны 3.a lot of 4.many 5.a lot of(но и many тож верно) didn't tell did the managing director tell us 2.my boss didn't phoned did my boss phone me 3.we were not on a were we on 4.have they just discussed they haven't 't sent did the secretary send the will not will we produce two new models in june? 7.will they they will not accept 't very was the hotel very 9.did you have a meeting the day before they had not a hadn't left on time had the plane for moscow left on time? (прости,если найдутся ошибочки)
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