1. where are my keys? i've seen them somewhere but i can't remember where. где мои ключи? я где-то их видел, но не помню где 2. some friends of hers are visiting austin this week. некоторые ее друзья посетят остин на этой неделе. 3. the man blamed himself for the accident. мужчина обвиняет сам себя в произошедшем. 4. nobody can speak all the languages in the world. никто не может говорить на всех языках мира. 5. give them one more chance to win. дайте им еще один шанс, чтобы победить.
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Надо сделать по ! use present perfect - active or passive 1. numerous analyses of the microbial make-up of plaque in subjects of different caries experience (to reveal) a correlation between the presence of streptococci mutans and caries. 2. when an adjacent tooth (to extract) for other reasons, direct access is possible. 3. from the middle of the 17th century, gutta percha (to recommend) for all sorts of uses. 4. it (to use) in dentistry for over 130 years, as a temporary restorative, an impression material, or as a root canal filling material.