
Запишите слово, которое пропущено в этих словах: ab***on; comm***; b***box; br***ed; c***lepower.

Английский язык


Abandon -  импульсивность command -  команда bandbox -  расфуфыреннаяbranded - брендовая  candle-power light -  свеча- индикатор питания
Ясчитаю что это слово  and
Ireturned home 2 days ago. i celebrated new year s day with my parents. we always celebrate it together. this year was not an exception. we have a nice decorated christmas tree at home. i give presents to my mum and dad and i enjoy getting presents. my mum always cook my favorite meals. one of them is duck with apples. i think that this is our traditional russian food. i like it a lot. it is always very delicious and it has a little sour and sweet taste. my mum puts a beautiful dish on the table. the meal is really great- the duck is in the middle and baked apples are around it.
Two days ago i came back form my parents' home. i met the new year with my parents. we always celebrate this holiday with the whole family. and this year was no exception. there is always a decorated christmas tree in the house. i give presents to mom and dad and i love to receive gifts from them. mom prepares my favorite dishes. one of the most important - it is a duck with apples. i believe that this is a traditional russian dish. this is my favorite dish. the duck always has a very tasty, sweet-sour taste. mom puts a beautiful dutch oven on the table with a beautiful roasted duck and baked apples in a circle. it looks very nice.

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Запишите слово, которое пропущено в этих словах: ab***on; comm***; b***box; br***ed; c***lepower.
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