
Выберите правильный вариант: i asked the director to do it. a) if he had have been able b) could he have c) whether he would able d) whether he would be able e) would he had been able думала, что ответ а, но в ключах отмечен ответ д, не могу понять само предложение.

Английский язык


Это правило- согласование времен. правильный ответ: d. вопрос, который она задала в прямой речи звучит так: " will you be able to do it? ". значит по правилу will мы заменяем на would( при условии, что сказуемое в past simple), а вопрос передлываем)
Iasked the director whether he would be able to do it. правильный ответ: d . перевод предл.: я спросил директора/режиссёра, сможет ли он сделать это. это косвенная речь (indirect speech), тут согласование времён. переведём сначала предложение в прямую речь (direct speech): i asked the director: "will you be able to do it? ". сказуемое asked у нас в прошедшем времени — в past simple, поэтому в косвенной речи will становится would. whether — это как частичка "ли" в языке. так или иначе, whether является синонимом if, поэтому можно whether заменять на if, если хотите. если остались вопросы, обращайтесь.

a) The United States is the fourth (largest) nation in the world.

b) The U.S. president is one of the (most powerful) men in the world.

c) The queen is the (most prominent) person in Britain.

d) The U.S. is one of the (most prosperous) countries in the world.

e) The Big Sleep was one of the (best) films based on a novel by Chandler.

f) This is one of the (most difficult) crosswords I’ve ever tried.

g) It was one of the (hottest) days of the year.

h) He’s the (strongest) man I ever saw.

i) It was one of the (most frightening) bush fires we ever had.

j) This must be the (worst) hotel in town.

k) It’s the (most reliable) car I ever had.

l)This is the (strangest) film I’ve ever seen.


1. I will play tennis tomorrow.

2. He will pay. I promise.

3. Will you open the window, please?

4. It's dark. I will switch on the light.

5. The weather tomorrow will be sunny and warm.

6. That suitcase is too heavy. They will help you.

7. She will go to the sea later today.

8. I will be back.

9. We will finish our homework in an hour.

10. I think Tom will pass the exam.

2. Will she live in London or in Manchester?

She will live in London.

3. Will you stay at a hotel or at home?

I will stay at home.

4. Will she wear a dress or a skirt and blouse?

She will wear a dress.

5. Will they eat a cake and a pie?

They will eat a pie.

2. When will she come to me?

3. Where will she go?

4. What will he buy?

5. Where will I have dinner?

6. When will they go to London?

7. Who will help me?

8. When will the weather be poor?

9. Where will we next week?

10. What will I do in the afternoon?

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Выберите правильный вариант: i asked the director to do it. a) if he had have been able b) could he have c) whether he would able d) whether he would be able e) would he had been able думала, что ответ а, но в ключах отмечен ответ д, не могу понять само предложение.
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