Яживу в квартире! у меня маленькая( большая) квартира! я имею свою комнату. у меня замечательная кухня. и большой зал! я люблю свою квартиру! i live in an apartment! i have a little (big) apartment! i have my room. i have a wonderful kitchen. and the great hall! i love my apartment!
London is the capital of great britain. the river thames flows across london. buckinhgam palace is the official residence of the queen of the united kingdom. there are a lot of museum in london. for example british museum, natural history museum. there are a lot of beautifui parks in london. лондон столица британии. река темза протекает через лондон. бугингемский дворец официальная резиденция королевы. в лондоне много музеев. например, британский музей, музей естественной . в лондоне много прекрасных парков
Did they plays board games last week? we watched a film and then went for a walk in the park aunt polly is making a cake at the moment. does he studies french? there isn’t some milk left. the ….. is in the living room.a fridge b bookcase c sinkfootball and basketball are ….. games.b outdoor an elephant is the …. animal.a big b bigger c biggewe saw him two years ….a last b ago c nextshe’s not ….. to drive a car.a going b will c go…she like swimming? a do b is c doeswe don’t …. to do this exercise.a must b have c needit’s women’s day ….8th march.a on b in c athow …. going to the theatre? a about b much c likemaths is the ….lesson on monday.a one b first c twothey usually go to school ….bus.a on b by c ini …speak english, but i can’t speak french.a must b can c have towe didn’t … to the museum a month ago.a go b went c goingyou must ….your hands before dinner.a brush b wash c cleanthese melons are lovely and …a sour b sweet c saltymy little brother …. a glass of juice every morning.a drank b is drinking c drinkswatch ….! there’s a bus coming.a out b up c overwe’re going to …..a performance tonight.a go b visit c attendi want to …a picture of the building.a go b take c lookhe often ….the shopping on sunday.a goes b do c doeswhat are you …? a doing b going c dohe …like playing monopoly.a isn’t b doesn’t c didn’tthey are …of swimming.a keen b fond c loveon new year day we always ….gifts.a change b exchange c transferit’s time to …the special light.a light b fire c playmike’s birthday is … july.a in b on c atthey have english lessons …the afternoon.a in b on c atalways stop at the traffic … when they’re red.a roads b pavement c lightssusan is doing the …..she loves plants and flowers.a gardening b homework c cleaningwhat ……are you? i’m german.a occupation b profession c nationalitypete likes exercising at the …..a school b centre c gymthis girl is ….than that one.a tallest b tall c tallershe is the ….pupil in the class.a good b best c bettercan you pass me a ….of milk, please? a bottle b box c packetis there …yogurt in the fridge? a any b some c no(mark 40 choose the correct response.how about thursday then? a i’m afraid, i can’t.b i’m ok.how do you like the film? a yes, it is.b it’s brilliant.why don’t we go shopping? a that sounds good. i need to exercise.b ok. let’s look for a new shirt.how about having a picnic? a i don’t really like eating outdoors.b i’d rather not. i don’t like it.would you like me to help you? a yes, i’m very keen on it.b yes please, that would be great.
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Нужен короткий рассказ о мой квартире(3 команты: зал, кухня, спальня)