
Правило как поставить глагол в present simple и present continuous

Английский язык


Present simple обозначает действие которое происходит регулярно или время от времени. образуется при инфинитива глагола без частицы to например i go to school или i go to bed at 9 oclock ну и так далее для всех лиц кроме 3л ед.ч если подлежащее имеет форму 3л ед.ч то к глаголу добавляется окончание -s- -es- например i go for a walk every day и так далее present countinuous обозначает действие которое происходит в момент говорения о нем  образуется с глагола to be и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing- например i am reading a book или i am going to the theatre
1. i was told - i am told - i will be told 2. i was showed - i am showed - i will be shown 3. she was brought - she is brought - she will be brought 4. we were asked - we are asked - we will be asked 5. we were answered - we are answered - we will be answered 6. they were given - they are given - they will be given 7. he was helped - he is helped - he will be helped 8. he was advised - he is advised - he will be advised 9. he was forgotten - he is forgotten - he will be forgotten 10. he was remembered - he is remembered - he will be remembered 11. we were invited - we are invited - we will be invited 12. he was called – he is called – he will be called 7 1. the postbox (is emptied) every day. 2. the stamps (are postmarked) at the post office. 3. the letters (are sorted) into the different towns. 4. the mail (is loaded) into the train. 5. the mailbags (are unloaded) after their journey. 6. the bags (are taken) to the post office. 7. the letters (are sorted) into the different streets. 8. the letters (are delivered).
1. take the teddy- верно 2. give the teddy to daddy – верно (не уверена: отдай мишку папе или не отдавай мишку папе) 3. eat your soup – верно 4. eat the book - don't eat the book. 5. wash your hands – верно 6. wash the carpet - don't wash the carpet 7. look at me – верно 8. watch the news – don't watch the news. (не уверена: смотри новости или не смотри новости) 9. watch the winnie-the-pooh cartoon - верно 10. go for a walk alone – don't go for a walk alone. 11. tidy up mummy's things – don't tidy up mummy's things. 12. run away – don't run away. 13. say hello to uncle - верно

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