i like to go to the shops very much. i can see many new things. often, i go to the shops with my mom or with my friends. i usually buy different things like my clothes, clothes, sweets and much more. i buy my friends .. shopping is a very interesting occupation
я дуже полюбляю ходити в магазини.там я можу побачити багато нових речей.найчастіше я ходжу в магазини з мамою,або з друзями .зазвичай з мамою я купую різні речі як: одяг,іноді солодощі і багато іншого.з друзями я купую -це дуже цікаве
i love hiking very much. this enthusiasm i took from my close friends. this is very interesting, because with each new trip, i discover something new to myself. last month, i decided to make a small journey across the city with my family. although it was cold already, i got a lot of impressions of winter landscapes and riding skiing. during the ride we met a lot of birds, who with enthusiasm searched for a fluffy snail of food and a forest beauty - a squirrel. on the way back we were tired of having fun discussing the journey and drinking warm tea. winter is the most charming season, so i appreciate this trip.
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