
Вставьте артикли 1 i can't remember . . exact date storm, but i know it was . . sunday because everybody was church. on . . monday . . post didn't come because . . roads were blocked by fallen trees. 2 peter thinks that this is quite . . cheap restaurant. 3 there's been . . murder here. -where's . . body? there isn't. . body. -then how do you know there's been . . murder? 4 number . . hundred and two, -. house next door to us, is for sale. it's quite . -. nice house with . . big rooms. . back windows look out on park. 5 i don't know what. . price . . owners are asking. but dry and rot are . . agents. you could give them . . ring and make them . . offer. 6 postman's little boy says that he'd rather be dentist than . . doctor, because . . dentists don't get called out night.

Английский язык


1)i can't remember the exact date of  a storm, but i know it was  at  sunday because everybody  wasat the church. on a monday the  post didn't come because  roads were blocked by   fallen trees.2)peter thinks that this is quite  cheap restaurant.3)  there's been a murder here. -where's a  body? there isn't  a  body. -then how do you  know there's been a murder? 4number   hundred and two, -  the  house next door to us, is's  quite nice house with a big rooms. the back windows lookout on the park.5i don't know what the  price are? owners are asking. but dry and rotare   agents. you could givethem the ring and make them an  offer.6 a  postman's little boy says that he'd rather be a dentist than  a doctor, because a dentistsdon't  get called out at the night.

Sport is very important in our life. The general belief is that a person who goes in for sports can’t be weak and ill. Physically inactive people get old earlier that those, who find time for sport activity. And of course good health is better than good medicine.

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. In our country sport is being widely popularized as well. The most popular kinds of sport are football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, figure-skating, aerobics, ping-pong and swimming. A lot of people are fond of jogging. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Many young people attend sport sections. Some of them dream to become professional sportsmen.

As for me, I can’t imagine my life without sport. In summer I go jogging every morning and when I have free time I attend swimming pool. In winter I like to skate with my friends. It’s fun. Also I’m fond of aerobics. First of all aerobics helps to keep myself fit. It also attracts me because it resembles dancing.

In conclusion I’d like to say that I’m absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. Sport makes our bodies strong, it prevents us from getting too fat, and makes us more self-organized and better disciplined.



(один Езоп?байка)

У лісі біля річки жив заєць, який дуже пишався

себе. Найбільше йому подобалося говорити про те, як він вміє бігати. Звичайно,

інші зайці не любили його і не хотіли слухати.

"Я не повинен хвалитися, - подумав він , - тоді мої друзі знову заговорять зі мною

. "

Але він зовсім забув про своє рішення, коли побачив черепаху.

подивився на її короткі ноги і вигукнув: "О, як я радий, що я не

черепаха!"Черепаха крикнула йому:" Якщо ти так швидко бігаєш, давай

влаштуємо гонку. "

Заєць засміявся: "наввипередки з тобою? Я можу дістатися до

фінішу і назад, перш ніж ти перетнеш лінію старту. "

Черепаха сказала: "бачиш он то велике дерево? Фініш

буде у цього дерева. "

Черепаха була дуже розумна, і вона хотіла дати зайцю


Заєць побіг так швидко, як тільки міг, а черепаха повільно рушила

за ним. Заєць втік дуже швидко і незабаром вже був недалеко від

дерево. Він подумав: "я буду чекати черепаху тут, і коли вона

наблизиться, я побіжу до фінішу і буду першим. "

Але день був дуже жаркий, і він скоро заснув. Через деякий час

він прокинувся. Він озирнувся і побачив, що черепаха майже дісталася до

фініш. Інші зайці дивилися на неї і сміялися. Гордий

заєць схопився і побіг так швидко, як тільки міг, але черепаха вже

дісталася до дерева. Інші зайці засміялися і сказали один одному: "Голова

дуже хвалився, але він не міг виграти гонку проти черепахи, яка

є одним з найбільш повільних тварин в лісі.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Вставьте артикли 1 i can't remember . . exact date storm, but i know it was . . sunday because everybody was church. on . . monday . . post didn't come because . . roads were blocked by fallen trees. 2 peter thinks that this is quite . . cheap restaurant. 3 there's been . . murder here. -where's . . body? there isn't. . body. -then how do you know there's been . . murder? 4 number . . hundred and two, -. house next door to us, is for sale. it's quite . -. nice house with . . big rooms. . back windows look out on park. 5 i don't know what. . price . . owners are asking. but dry and rot are . . agents. you could give them . . ring and make them . . offer. 6 postman's little boy says that he'd rather be dentist than . . doctor, because . . dentists don't get called out night.
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