
Составьте слово на . яз, обозначающем одежду из данных букв: r r i t e s a n

Английский язык


Trainers - кроссовки


my name is olya. i’m 15 years old and i study at the 10th form of the secondary school. my parents often ask me what i want to be when i grow or which profession i fancy. my answer is always the same. i want to be a writer. they are not happy with my choice but that’s what i want to do in my future. my father is a lawyer and he wants me to be like him. he says i’ve got all necessary traits of character to become a good lawyer. my mother is a designer and she thinks that i’ve got good taste to become a designer too. but i have always wanted to be a writer.

перевод: меня зовут оля. мне 15 лет и я учусь в 10-м классе средней школы. мои родители часто спрашивают меня, кем я хочу стать, когда вырасту или какая профессия мне симпатична. мой ответ всегда один и тот же. я хочу быть писателем. они не одобряют мой выбор, но это то, чем я хочу заниматься в будущем. мой отец юрист, и он хочет, чтобы я была такой же, как он. он говорит, что у меня есть все необходимые черты характера, чтобы стать хорошим юристом. моя мама – дизайнер и она думает, что у меня хороший вкус, чтобы также стать дизайнером. но я всегда хотела быть писателем.

1) emily: "our teacher will go to leipzig tomorrow." emily said that their teacher would go to leipzig the next day. 2) helen: "i was writing a letter yesterday." helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before. 3) robert: "my father flew to dallas last year." robert told me that his father had flown to dallas previous year. 4) lisa: "tim went to the stadium an hour ago." lisa said that tim had gone to the stadium an hour ago. 5) patricia: "my mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend." patricia said that her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend. 6) michael: "i am going to read a book this week." michael said to me that he was going to read a book that week. 7) jason and victoria: "we will do our best in the exams tomorrow." jason and victoria told me that they would do their best in the exams the next day. 8) andrew: "we didn't eat fish two days ago." andrew remarked that hadn't eaten fish two days ago. 9) alice: "i spent all my pocket money on monday." alice complained that she had spent all her pocket money on monday. 10) david: "john had already gone at six." david said that john had already gone at six.

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