they say that the way people spend their leisure time reflects their character. i can agree with it. speaking about my personality, i am an easy-going and open-minded person, and i feel elated when i am with my friends. that is why i adore spending my leisure hours with my nearest and dearest. i cannot imagine my weekends without long heart-to-hearts conversation with my close friend in the nearest coffee house. i spend a huge chunk of time with my friends, because i love a company of interesting people and i feel perfectly well when i am out with my soul mates. we like to spend days on end in the open air – we find bliss in the contemplating nature. we also take pleasure from riding bikes, playing different outdoor games like tennis or volleyball, going for long walks, or just doing things on the spur of a moment.
i would like to tell you about a great maslenitsa celebration in russia.
it is celebrated on last sunday of march, when winter is losing its rights and
spring comes. on this day there are russian great folk festivals with horses,
getting a living rooster from the post, a lot of jokes, songs and dances. on
the streets of cities, towns and villages different mummers walk, they offer
everybody hot tea and russian pancakes with different toppings: honey, jam,
butter, eggs! but most importantly is the effigy of winter that is burnt
and everyone rejoices the beautiful spring coming.
i consider that this festival brings people together and let them enjoy themselves and meet the spring together.
я хочу рассказать о
замечательном празднике масленица. его отмечают в последнее воскресенье марта,
когда зима сдает свои права, и приходит весна. в этот день в россии большие
народные гулянья с катанием на лошадях, доставанием живого петуха со столба,
шутками, песнями и плясками. на улицах городов и сел ходят ряженые, всем
предлагают всем горячий чай и блины с разными начинками: медом,
вареньем, маслом, икрой! но самое главное, на площади сжигают чучело зимы и
радуются наступлению красавицы-весны.
я считаю, что этот праздник сближает людей и позволяет им вдоволь повеселиться и встретить долгожданную весну вместе.
около ста слов
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Unscramble the following compounds. fill in the gaps with the1.unscramble the following compounds. fill in the gaps with the correctly-formed words. give the plural of the new compounds. newly-conference, work-wed, dead-way, good-for-line, sky-of-the-valley, side-knowledge, common-shop, fire-nothing, fairy-scraper, child-place, press-moon, lily-hood, honey-tales: a.why the horse was going could explain. b.the the applications is march 18. c. after school he will join his father in the york is the city e.the on their tahiti. f.i can t rely on him; you know quite well he is a g.what do you call these white flowers growing in clusters? - these are smoking is dangerous. i.where and when will they give a j. we shall never forget the evenings of our the children gathered by the listened to our grandmother s 2.add the plural ending where necessary: moonlight b.son-in-lawe.grab-bagh.commander-in-chiefl. mill stone c.tablespoonf.late-comeri.bathing beautym. jet engine