
Исправьте ошибки, изменив форму выделенных слов. 1. if we will go shopping tomorrow, i'll probably buy a new top. 2. if mum is tired tonight. i cook dinner. 3. john will tell us if there will be any news. 4. if you need help, will tell me! 5. if you see karen, do you ask her to call me ?

Английский язык


1. if we go shopping tomorrow, i'll probably buy a new top. 2. if mum is tired tonight, i will cook dinner. 3. john will tell us if there is any news. 4. if you need help, tell me! 5. if you see karen, will you ask her to call me?
А)  uncle oscar was a very nice man.  he was an accountant (and by theway, a very good one). he worked hard all day long and returned home rather late.b)  his wife’ s name was agatha. aunt agatha was fond of talking and always talked too much and in a very loud voice.c)  their two children, elizabeth and julian, were not very pleasant.both of them were large and loud like their mother. and they were selfish and greedy too. they didn’t think about their father much.d)  he liked music but didn’t play the piano, the violin, the flute or any other musical instrument. he practically never went to the theatre or to the cinema and he didn’t visit exhibitions or museums either. uncle oscar didn’t go in for sports. he was not fond of swimming, skiing or playing golf. you could never see him in the sitting room in front of the television watching sports programmes. uncle oscar never complained about his boring life.i knew he had a hobby. he had a very good collection of stamps and was happy only when he worked on his stamp collection. he was a real collector.

Ақша әрқашан байлықтың белгісі болды. Адамдар әрқашан мүмкіндігінше көп ақша табуға тырысты. Мұны түсіндіру өте қарапайым. Адамда неғұрлым көп ақша болса, соғұрлым ол сатып ала алады.

Адамдар көбінесе ақша бақытқа тең деп ойлайды. Алайда, бұл әрдайым бола бермейді. Бақыт дегеніміз-адамның айналасындағы заттарға байланысты күрделі ұғым. Бұл заттар материалдық және рухани болуы мүмкін. Мысалы, махаббат, денсаулық пен қамқорлықты сатып алуға болмайды. Бұл көптеген мысалдарды дәлелдейді. Нағыз бай адамдар әлі де ауыр ауруларға тап болады. Басқалары айналасындағы миллиондаған адамдарға қарамастан өзін жалғыз сезінеді.

Ақша әрқашан төлем қабілеттілігінің көрсеткіші болды. Адамдар әрқашан мүмкіндігінше көп ақша табуға тырысты. Бұл үшін қарапайым түсінік бар. Көп адамда ақша көп, ол сұраған.

Адамдар көбінесе ақшаны бақытпен теңестіреді. Бақыт дегеніміз-адамды қоршап тұрған нәрсеге байланысты күрделі ұғым. Бұған материалдық және рухани компоненттер кіреді. Мысалы, махаббат, денсаулық пен қамқорлықты сатып алуға болмайды. Көптеген мысалдар бұған дәлел бола алады. Нағыз бай адамдар да ауыр ауруларға тап болады. Басқалары қоршаған ортаға қарамастан жалғыздықты сезінеді.

Money has always been a sign of wealth. People have always tried to make as much money as possible. The explanation for this is very simple. The more money a person has, the more they can buy.

People often think that money is equal to happiness. However, this is not always the case. Happiness is a complex concept associated with things around a person. These things can be both material and spiritual. For example, love, health, and care cannot be bought. This is evidenced by many examples. Real rich people still face serious illnesses. Others feel lonely despite the millions of people around them.

Money has always been an indicator of solvency. People have always tried to make as much money as possible. There is a simple explanation for this. More people have more money, he asked.

People often equate money with happiness. Happiness is a complex concept associated with what surrounds a person. This includes both material and spiritual components. For example, love, health, and care cannot be bought. Many examples serve as proof of this. Real rich people also face serious illnesses. Others feel lonely, regardless of the environment.


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Исправьте ошибки, изменив форму выделенных слов. 1. if we will go shopping tomorrow, i'll probably buy a new top. 2. if mum is tired tonight. i cook dinner. 3. john will tell us if there will be any news. 4. if you need help, will tell me! 5. if you see karen, do you ask her to call me ?
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