
Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or past simple. john (wake up) with a strange feeling that morning because he (see) something strange in his dream. he (not really/believe) in dreams but he couldn't stop thinking about the one he (just/have he (dream) that he was in a foreign country and he was having a meeting with some people he (not/know). решить

Английский язык



woke up

had seen

is not really believed

has just had 


did not know


1.he forgets - he is forgotten

we called - we were called


2. he is helped - he was helped - he will be helped

she is advised - she was advised - she will be advised



1) many houses are built in   our town every day. - много домов строят в нашем городе каждый день.

2)we  were invited to the party last sunday. - нас пригласили на вечер в прошлое воскресенье.

3) еhis bone will be given to my dog tomorrow. - эту кость дадут моей собаке завтра.



1)я часто приглашаю друзей в кино. - i often invite my friends to the cinema.

2)книги о войне читают с интересом. - books on war are read with great interest.



1)на станции их встретили друзья. - they were met at the station by their friends.

2)он рассказал о своей поездке. - he told about his trip.



1)нам покажут достопримечательности города. - we will be shown the sights of the city.

2)он будет читать книгу вечером. - he will read a/the book in the evening.

3)когда проверят контрольную работу? - when will the test be checked?



1) the doctor orders a new medicine. - a new medicine is ordered (by the doctor). - новое лекарство заказывают.

2) she wrote the composition. - the composition was written. - сочинение было написано.

3) ann helped the brother yesterday. - ann's brother was helped yesterday (by ann). - брату анны вчера.



1) something went wrong with our computer. customers were ringing up all morning complaining. the mechanic is in the office and is working  on it. i hope he will find out what is wrong.

2) the  society which they set out to create was based on mutual trust.

3) both ordinary and white chocolate are made from cocoa butter. there are very few people who like neither of them. i have no particular preference: i eat either.   

4) nobody knows where the jewels  have gone. they might be stolen.

5) the evacuation of the building  took only 10 min.

6) all of us were lucky. we would have crashed  if jack had not seen the rock in time.

7) what was the journey like? - it was nice!

8) the miners dug deep to find coat.

9) the first draft resolution was not discussed yesterday, it had been withdrawn long before the beginning of the meeting.

10) do you know where he was born ?

11) get your children to feel responsible for their studies.

12) her salary's decreased by two hundred dollars this year.

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Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or past simple. john (wake up) with a strange feeling that morning because he (see) something strange in his dream. he (not really/believe) in dreams but he couldn't stop thinking about the one he (just/have he (dream) that he was in a foreign country and he was having a meeting with some people he (not/know). решить
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