
Нужно написать небольшое письмо другу, рассказывая ему о своем друге\подруге. (черты характера, его хобби, итд) около 70-100 слов. буду

Английский язык


My name is sergey. i’m twelve years old. i’m in the sixth grade. i have a lot of friends but i want to tell about my best friend. his name is alexander. he’s my school-mate. sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. he is very responsive. he will help me in hour of need. i always can rely on him. sasha goes to sports school. he is very tall that’s why he goes in for basketball. on weekends we play football or cycle. sometimes we go fishing and fish crucians. also he is fond of playing computer games and watching horror films. his favourite films are “saw” and “scream”. we often go to the cinema. sasha is true friend. my father says that i’m lucky because i have so reliable and true friend.
Уменя есть друг по имени максим. он хороший, мы с ним всегда гуляем по парку, мне с ним интересно и хорошо. он любит играть в футбол и в шашки. я рад что у меня есть такой друг! *
1. i did not know who was to be my travelling companion. 2. according to the state plan, many new dwelling houses are to be built this year. 3. we have to work hard to achieve good results. 4. i think we have to drop anchor in that bay until the storm quiets down," the captain said to his mate. 5. your behaviour is said to have been far from straightforward. 6. "mabel has gone," lanny said in a flat, impersonal voice. the old woman went back to her chair and sat down heavily. "it had to be. where did she go, son? "  7. "have you been studying much law lately? " i asked, to change the subject. "oh, master copperfield," he said with an air of selfdenial; "my reading is hardly to be called study." (cd.) 8. sartorius. if i give in now i will have to give in always. (sh.) 9. mrs. p e a r с e. what has become of the girl? did she have to pay anything? (sh.) 10. this is serious; you are not to joke about it (sh.)
1. do you learn english? - ты учишь ? 2. do your parents live in london? - твои родители живут в лондоне? 3. does he like ice-cream? - он любит мороженое? 4. does she work in a cafe? - она работает в кафе? 5. do they speak spanish very well? - они хорошо говорят по-испански? 6. do we understand each other? - мы друг друга понимаем? (each other - друг др 7. how often does nick go in there? – и как часто ник сюда приходит? does jenny really wish me to go? – дженни действительно хочет, чтобы я поехала? why don't we go for a walk? – пошли погуляем? does greg always go out like that? – грег всегда так выходит? when do you get to the station? – во сколько ты добираешься до станции? why do we need to avoid using abbreviations? – почему нам нужно избегать использования сокращений? why does the moon path merge with the earth’s orbit? — почему путь луны совпадает с орбитой земли? where do you implement this conventional method? – где вы применяете этот прогрессивный метод? do you understand how good it is to be alive! — понимаешь ли ты, как хорошо жить на свете! do you know what year is it, anno domini? – ты знаешь, который теперь год от рождества христова?

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Нужно написать небольшое письмо другу, рассказывая ему о своем друге\подруге. (черты характера, его хобби, итд) около 70-100 слов. буду
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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