i can say that winter is my favourite season of the year. first of all, i really enjoy the crisp snow outside. together with my friends we always make a snowman, throw snowballs at each other and go sledging from the backyard hill. secondly, i’m quite good at such winter sports as skiing and skating. at weekends, i go to the nearest ice-rink with my friends and we can spend several hours skating there. as for skiing, i usually do it with my father. he is also fond of skiing in the woods, which are not far from our house. so you can imagine how much i like winter holidays. it’s a shame that they aren’t as long as the summer ones. they last only for a couple of weeks. another important reason why i love winter holidays is the celebration of christmas and new year. these holidays are my favourite. even my birthday doesn’t matter as much for me as christmas eve. i love the moment when all the stores and cafes outside start hanging festive decorations on doors and windows. it elevates my mood and makes me really happy. besides you can hear christmas songs from every corner. it also sets the atmosphere of holidays. of course, i also like the new year presents that my parents and friends prepare for me. but most of all i like the moment on the 31st of december when the clocks strike 12 am and all the family gathers together around the dining table. we then share delicious meal and drinks. my favourite ones are stuffed turkey and sweet pudding. right after the new year celebration our school holidays start and it’s the time when i can relax and enjoy myself.скажи !
После тренировки я понял, что плавание отличный поддерживать себя в отличной физической форме. Естественно, что первые разы было очень тяжело физически: болели все мышцы, по утрам не хотелось вставать с кровати. Но стоит продержаться две-три тренировки и можно почувствовать, как с каждым взмахом руки или движением ног, тело наливается силой.
Стоит упомянуть, что плавание – это особый вид спорта, совсем не обязательно добиваться олимпийских успехов, ведь даже маленьким детям полезно находится в воде. Существует даже особое направление – лечебное, его назначают
Лучше плавать в бассейне,там всё есть,а на море есть какие то опасные рыбки или т.Д,но мне нравится и то и и то
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Решить . это 5 класса автор о.карпюк, №4 стр. 39 say why youlearn english. use the ideas below. i learn english because i want to have friends from other countries. - write e-mails in english - be good at english - speak over the phone to people from other countries - travel to other countries - make presentations in english - watch films in english -read english books - sing english songs - work and play with a computer