Будут все автомобили иметь компьютеры через 30 лет? ( или : будут ли все автомобили компьютеризированы через 30 лет? )
1) during my summer holidays i have read a lot of books. (во время моих летних каникул я прочитала много книг. read-read-read(непр. гл.) 2) usually i spend half an hour for my breakfast. (обычно я трачу пол часа на мой завтрак. spend-spent-spent(непр.гл.) 3) yesterday i got the postcard from my grandmother. (вчера я получила открытку от моей бабушки. get-got-got(непр. гл.) 4) i was doing my homework, when my mum came. (я делала мою работу, когда пришла мама. be-was, were-been; come-came-come(непр.гл.) 5) she teaches our class. (она преподает в нашем классе.teach - taught-taught(непр.гл.) 6) he forgot to do his exercises. (он забыл сделать его . forget-forgot-forgot.) 7) sometimes i don't understand her. ( иногда я ее не понимаю. understand-understood-understood(непр. гл.) 8) she thought it was her coat. (она подумала, что это было ее пальто. think-thought-thought(непр.гл.) 9) i'm sorry, i have broke the window. (простите, я разбил(сломал) окно. break-broke-broken(непр.гл.) 10) we learnt this poem by heart. (мы выучили это стихотворение наизусть. learn-learnt-learnt(непр.гл.)
1who did you go there with? - with my parents and elder brother.2 how did you get there? - by plane. 3. how long__have you been there? - three weeks. 4. what kind of a__trip did you have there? - we had a cycling trip and sometimes went sightseeing in some towns and cities. 5. did you make new friends __there? - no, i didn`t. did you see any famous people __there? - no, i didn`t. 6. what did you buy there - nice handmade souvenirs for my relatives. 7. did you like your - yes. it was exciting and enjoyable.
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Как перевести will all cars have computers in 30 years time