If you want to take information about argiculture, read this book. Read this book to take information about argiculture
If he wants to get a job, he has to dress elegantly.
I do not want to missed the bus, so ran to the bus stop.
They wanted to see the paintings, so they went to the art gallery.
I wanted to prepare for the exam, so I got up early.
Omor wants to learn English, so he goes to the UK.
Mariam took a taxi because she didn't want to be late.
Dzhanybek wants to become a veterinarian, so he is studying at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University.
Hare is a wild animal. It has got long ears, fluffy coat and a short tail. In summer hare is grey and in winter it's white.
Hare lives in the forest. It has got many enemies. They are wolves, foxes, birds of prey. But it's difficult catch a hare. Its paws are wide, fluffy and strong.
Hare feeds on grass, twigs, bark, clover, mushrooms and blue-berries.
Заяц дикое животное. Он имеет длинные уши, пушистая шерсть и короткий хвост. Летом заяц – серый, а зимой – белый.
Живет заяц в негустом лесу. У него много врагов. Это волки, лисы, хищные птицы. Но трудно поймать зайца. Лапы у него широкие пушистые и сильные.
Заяц питается травой, ветками, корой деревьев, клевером, грибами плодами черники
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