
2morning you time get up what this did 3 dinner night have what you last for did 4 did train last you by when travel 5 do what sunday you last did 6 holiday did summer on go where last you

Английский язык


What time did you get up this morning? i got up at 7am this morning. what did you have for dinner last night? i had some fried chicken  with rice  for dinner last night. when did you travel by train last time? i traveled this  summer by train for the last time. what did you do last sunday? i played football last sunday. where did you go on last holiday? i went to london on last holiday.
Владимировна Екатерина
Astana became the capital of our country and the residence of the president in 1994. now it is a city of the future, the city of dreams . with each passing day he became more developed and thriving. there are many sporting and cultural events. in astana, built the most modern buildings that are striking in their architecture. guests from other countries coming to astana, open their mouths in astonishment. astana seemingly looks like a new city, a city of the xxi century . during the years of independence of kazakhstan appeared in it the most amazing forms skyscrapers , modern parks , stunningly beautiful fountains and monuments. symbol of the city - baiterek monument , tree of life of the people, the roots buried in the ground , and the crown rests on the sky . city to become even more comfortable life , his carefully greened . in the evenings, many central buildings are beautifully illuminated . earlier astana was a small town at the intersection of trade routes. it was called akmola , tselinograd , akmola . decree of the president of kazakhstan nursultan nazarbayev in astana city was renamed , giving him a new life - the capital. now it is the residence of the president in astana. this palace ak -orda in early lovely water - green boulevard. this is a truly magnificent building . it nursultan nazarbayev in astana owes its prosperity to this . far away from the ak -orda is the largest tent in the world - the building of shopping center khan shatyr . it is fully transparent and affects its size . astana now - the center of business in kazakhstan. no wonder that many people in our country want to live there. i know many people who have moved or want to move to live and work in the capital. city is growing rapidly right before our eyes and expanded.
Перечисленные ниже сорта как правило во время чайных церемоний после полудня: assam - крепкий, тёмный чай из северной индии. ceylon - ароматный классический чёрный чай. lapsang - чёрный китайский чай, высушенный над тлеющими углями, с подкопчённым вкусом. kenyan - кенийский классический чёрный чай. darjeeling (из первых или вторых побегов) - черный чай, выращиваемый в одноименной индийской у подножия гималаев. этот чай иногда называют "шампанским среди чаев" за изысканный легкий и освежающий вкус. english breakfast, english afternoon, russian caravan и др. - традиционный чайные смеси из нескольких сортов. oolong (или formosa) - легкий и светлый полуферментированный чай с изысканным вкусом, выращенный на тайване. earl grey - чёрный чай с маслом бергамота. его рецептура была впервые разработана компанией twinings, тогда как легенда гласит, что рецепт этого чая был получен министром иностранных дел британской империи блестящим графом чарльзом греем у одного из китайских чиновников в результате головокружительной политической интриги. rose pouchong - ароматизированный розовым маслом и лепестками роз легкий черный китайский полуферментированный чай. кроме этого, на так называемых "высоких" чайных церемониях всегда предоставляется выбор зеленых, белых (быстровысушенных неферментированных китайских чаев), а также разнообразные травяные сборы, красный чай и хотя бы одна марка черного чая без содержания кофеина.

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2morning you time get up what this did 3 dinner night have what you last for did 4 did train last you by when travel 5 do what sunday you last did 6 holiday did summer on go where last you
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