1)No, there are no such games in the CIS countries
2)It's like running a marathon, but at the same time you have to flip the pancakes in the pan as you run.
3)Usually in this race the winner is the one who comes to the finish line first and who has the whole pancake.
1)Нет, таких игр в странах СНГ нет
2)Это похоже на марафон, но в то же время вы должны переворачивать блины на сковороде во время бега.
3)Обычно в этой гонке побеждает тот, кто приходит к финишу первым и у кого есть весь блин.
1) the physical activity is important because it keeps our body fit. the person who does any physical activity regularly, gets more benefits of long term health.
3) playing sport helps us stay in shape, builds up our teamwork skill, and makes us persistent players. it is proven by scientists that doing exercises or playing sports regularly helps people stay in a good shape and avoid some health problems such as heart attach or blood pressure.
4)the downsides of sports are many injuries you can get. also participating in different competitions and tournaments can make you too competitive, which will later affect social skills. those, who do sport 4-5 times per week have less time to do their homework, as a result, they start studying worse.
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libraries play an important part in the cultural development of a country. books satisfy desire in peoples.
reading books helps us in our education. we can find all kinds of books in the libraries.
the catalogues help the reader to find the books he needs. we should be careful with the books and not damage them in any way. we should not make notes in library books or dog's-ear the pages.