
Прошу! перевод, wat do you have to do to help in the house? как ответить? can you stay out as long as you want, or do you have to be at home by a certain time? ответ can you go where you want(discos, parties)? ответ do you have to tell your parents where you are going? ответ заранее !

Английский язык


Irina Svetlana
1. i have to wash floor in my room  every day. 2. usualy  i have to be at home by 9 p.m., but i can stay outside till 10 p.m. at weekends. 3. i am not allowed to go to discos, but can participate in birthday parties. 4.i always have to inform my parents where i am going to.
1. if you buy coffee, we'll drink tea. 2. if he is free, we certainly will come to our party. 3. if you speak, you will improve your language skills. 4. if you get a five, your mother will be happy. 5. if these shoes are not big for me, i will buy them. 6. if you ring me up, i'll tell you a secret. 7. if you are a poet, you will write a beautiful poetry. 8. if he comes our house, he will met his friends. 9. if he doesn't  pass his exam, he will not get a scholarship. 10. if i am a famous singer, i will get 1. if you bought coffee, we'd drink tea. 2. if he were free, we certainly would come to our party. 3. if you spoke, you would improve your language skills. 4. if you got a five, your mother would be happy. 5. if these shoes were not big for me, i would buy them. 6. if you rang me up, i'd tell you a secret. 7. if you were a poet, you would write a beautiful poetry. 8. if he came our house, he would met his friends. 9. if he didn't  pass his exam, he would not get a scholarship. 10. if i were a famous singer, i would  get 1. if you had bought coffee, we would have drunk tea. 2. if he had been free, we certainly would have come to our party. 3. if you had spoken, you would have improved your language skills. 4. if you had got a five, your mother would have been happy. 5. if these shoes had not been big for me, i would have bought them. 6. if you had rung me up, i'd have told you a secret. 7. if you had been a poet, you would have written a beautiful poetry. 8. if he had come our house, he would have met his friends. 9. if he hadn't  passed his exam, he would not have got a scholarship. 10. if i had been a famous singer, i would have got
When the morning is   cold,    hob does  not like to  get  out of bed. he likes   to  lie there, and pull the   blankets  round him. mr. priestley usually  has a cold bath  and then he sh aves  and goes down to breakfast  at about  eight o'clock. скажите, к какой части речи принадлежат выделенные кавычками слова, и обоснуйте свой ответ: 1. the boy "springs" into the water. глагол (обозначает действие, есть окончание 3л.ед.ч ) 2. i like "spring" weather. прилагательное (определяет существительное "погода" ) 3. hob does not work very "hard". наречие(работать как? усердно) 4. frieda is a "hard" worker. прилагательное(работник какой? усердный) 5. the boy did not "copy" my work. глагол(в данном предложении смысловой глагол, отрицание образовано при глагола+отрицательная частица+смысловой глагол)) 6. i should like a "copy" of this poem. существительное( показателем существительного в данном случае является неопределённый артикль) 7. pass me a "paint" brush. прилагательное(какую кисточку 8. i am going to "paint". глагол( собираюсь что )также обосновать ответ можно , переведя предложения на язык.  1.мальчик прыгает в воду. 2. я люблю весеннюю погоду. 3. хоб работает не  усердно. 4. фрида усердный работник. 5. мальчик не скопировал(переписал) мою работу. 6. мне бы хотелось экземпляр(копию) этого стихотворения. 7. передай мне кисточку для красок, . 8. я собираюсь красить.

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Прошу! перевод, wat do you have to do to help in the house? как ответить? can you stay out as long as you want, or do you have to be at home by a certain time? ответ can you go where you want(discos, parties)? ответ do you have to tell your parents where you are going? ответ заранее !
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