
Осталось последнее , . in this exercise you have to make questions with the words given. example: (you/hear/from george recently? ) have you heard from george recently? 1. (you/read/a newspaper recently? ) 2. (you/see/tom in the past few days? ) 3. (you/play/tennis recently? ) 4. (you/eat/anything today? ) 5. (you/see/any good films recently? ) 6. (you/have/a holiday this year yet? )

Английский язык


1.  have you read a newspaper recently? 2.  have you seen  tom in the past few days? 3. have  you  played  tennis recently? 4. have  you  eaten  anything today? 5. have  you  seen  any good films recently? 6. have  you  had  a holiday this year yet?

вот, готово. правда получилось: "украина и её жители глазами сибиряка" : d


1.  all ukrainians love salo: ) also ukrainian cuisine is one of the most delicious in the world,  and includes such dishes as  borscht, cabbage rolls and dumplings.

2. ukranian girls and women are the most beautiful all around the world ; )

3. people in ukrain are very hospitable,  especially in  villages. for example if any stranger  asks ukranians for the shelter, they will never refuse him, they will feed him by their best food and will offer him to stay at night.

4. almost all ukrainians speak russian, but people who live in the western part of ukrain will pretend they don't understand you, if you start to speak russian with them.

5.ukraine is an ancient country with centuries-old traditions and you can find a lot of beautiful sights there, such as  st. sophia cathedral, st. andrew's descent, the house with chimeras, probii waterfall and much more other interesting sights.

Avdeeva Yelizaveta


Before start writing,first we should compose a plan with the most important topics.

So,here we are!:


1)Elementary facts(основные знания) about parrots;

2)How do they look like;

3)Shoking fact;

4)Parrots as home pets.

            * * *

Paragraf 1

Parrots are different kind of birds.Their living places are mostly trees in warm rainforests(synonim of "jungle").Unfortunately,lots of uniqe species became extinct because of the development of poaching and cutting down trees(.  

Parrots have very interesting eating habitats.Their menu contains of different kinds of fruits,nuts,flovers and buds with seeds.Furthermore,this birds use clay to digest food,that they have eaten.

Like many others,parrots are social birds and live in herds.In this group they should teach,protect and help each other.

Paragraf 2

Nowadays there are big variaty of this birds:from tiny (a little bit bigger than a colibri) to huge.They all have long body,wings and tail,clawly paws,strong bill and mostly colourful feathers.

Parageraf 3

The Keya Parrot is a good example of a parrot.This atypical creature lives in rocks:in my opinion,the most hardliving place.Despite this,all animals must very wise to survive.This makes Keya parrot the wisest bird in the world.

Paragraf 4

Parrots are very good mimics and can copy sounds that they hear in their environment. they can even copy human words and some iof thwem can speak used them!And thats why parrots as home pets are very popular.


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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Осталось последнее , . in this exercise you have to make questions with the words given. example: (you/hear/from george recently? ) have you heard from george recently? 1. (you/read/a newspaper recently? ) 2. (you/see/tom in the past few days? ) 3. (you/play/tennis recently? ) 4. (you/eat/anything today? ) 5. (you/see/any good films recently? ) 6. (you/have/a holiday this year yet? )
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