
Переведите предложения на язык , обращая на внимание на употребление future indefinite. 1. вам тоже приходится рано вставать ? 2. если в субботу будет плохая погода , нам придется остаться в городе. 3.она вернется к дести часам вечера ? 4.как только он вернется , я вам позвоню . 5.боюсь , что ты не сможешь пойти в школу , у тебя высокая температура . 6.я буду рад нова увидеть вас в москве. 7. сколько времени нас потребуется , чтобы добраться туда автобусом ? 8.я думаю , вам понравится наша новая квартира . 9.здесь будет стоять пианино . 10.когда у вас будет телефон ? . 11. почему вы не идете на занятия ? - у меня грипп.

Английский язык


1  do you have to get up early too? 2 if the weather is bad on saturday, we'll have to stay in the city.  3 will she have come back by 10 o'clock in the evening? (это если вы уже учили future perfect, если нет, то напишите   will she come back at 10 in the evening? ) 4 i'll call you as soon as he comes back. 5 i'm afraid you can't go to school, you have a high temperature.  6 i'll be glad to see you in moscow again.  7 how much time will it take us to get there by bus? 8 i think you'll like our new flat. 9 there will be a piano here. 10 when will you have a telephone? 11 why aren't you going to the classes? - i have the flu. 
  i am popov sergey. sergey is my name and popov is my surname. i am 14 years old. i want to tell you a few words about my family.i think that a family is a very important thing for everybody. a family is the people that always love you, support you and help you. for me it is impossible to live without my family. my family is not large. i have got a mother, a father and a brother dima. there are four of us in the family. we also have grandparents and a lot of relatives.first of i’d like to say a few words about my parents. my mother is a good-looking woman with blond hair. she is forty-two but she looks much younger. she is a teacher of russian. she works in a school. she likes her job very much. my mother keeps the house and takes care of my father and us. she is very good at cooking. she always cooks very delicious meals. our mother is very kind, but sometimes he is strict to us. she always checks if our homework is done. mother takes care of our free time, so that we are not able to waste our father is a lawyer. he is forty-five. he is a professional. my father does his work very well and gets good money. he is also handy with many things. he can fix almost everything. he also likes making models of planes. my parents have been married for 20 years already. they have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, and films. for example my father likes thrillers and my mother likes adventure films and fantasy. my father is fond of football and chess. my mother likes playing ping pong. my parents work a younger brother, dima, is a student of the same school. he wants to become a lawyer, like our father. besides he is playing table tennis like our mother. he studies well. on the one hand, dima loves constructing and can become an aircraft designer, on the other hand he is very good at languages and can become an interpreter. my grandmother and my grandfather are pensioners. they live not far from us. sometimes our granny helps us to run the house. she is fond of knitting. my grandfather is a military man and he reads a lot! the library that we have at our flat is the tenth part of all the books that granddad has at his for me, i’d like to become a computer programmer. i have always loved computer science. i can make some computer programmes and i also can play the guitar very well. i like different kinds of music, but mostly i prefer rock.we all get on with each other very well. every one in our family is rather busy, but we are always very happy if we have a possibility to spend some time together. my family means a lot to me.перевод некоторых слов: to support  – поддерживать,  relatives  - родственники,  good-looking  - привлекательный,  to keep the house  - с домом,  to take care of  – заботиться о…,  delicious meals  – вкусные блюда,strict  - строгий,  to check  - проверять,  to waste time  – «»,  a lawyer  - адвокат,  to fix  - ремонтировать,  a model of a plane  – модель самолета,  to be married  - быть замужем / женатым,  to have much in common  – иметь много общего,  an aircraft designer  - авиаконструктор,  an interpreter  - переводчик,  a pensioner  – пенсионер,  to run the house  – с домом,knitting  – вязание,  a military man  – военный,  to get on well  – ладить,  a possibility  - возможностьвот
1. paper .. very expensive today. бумага сегодня дорогая. 2. how many pieces of furniture .. there? сколько там (предметов) мебели? 3. his watch .. ten minutes slow. его часы отстают на 10 минут. 4. no news good news. нет новостей, это хорошая новость. 5. the trousers .. too small. брюки слишком малы. 6. the furniture very old. мебель старая. 7.there mice in my country house. в моем загородном доме мыши. 8. where on earth the scissors?   и куда запропастились ножницы? 9. my friend says that physics .. a very interesting subject. мой друг говорит, что , это интересный предмет. 10. good wines .. the best buys   before christmas. лучшие покупки перед рождеством, это хорошие вина. 11. his staff / very efficient.  его персонал эффективен. 12.statistics .. the study of figures.  статистика это наука о цифрах. 13.clothes .. part of the image. одежда это часть имиджа. 14. my knowledge of english .. very limited. мои знания ограничены 15.english money .. not accepted here.  деньги здесь не принимаются 16. say how many members .. there in your family? there .. five people there. скажи, сколько членов в вашей семье? пять человек

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Переведите предложения на язык , обращая на внимание на употребление future indefinite. 1. вам тоже приходится рано вставать ? 2. если в субботу будет плохая погода , нам придется остаться в городе. 3.она вернется к дести часам вечера ? 4.как только он вернется , я вам позвоню . 5.боюсь , что ты не сможешь пойти в школу , у тебя высокая температура . 6.я буду рад нова увидеть вас в москве. 7. сколько времени нас потребуется , чтобы добраться туда автобусом ? 8.я думаю , вам понравится наша новая квартира . 9.здесь будет стоять пианино . 10.когда у вас будет телефон ? . 11. почему вы не идете на занятия ? - у меня грипп.
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