Half past twelve quarter to one quarter past three half past four quarter past eight
Bob asked tom if he could have a word with him for a minute. tom agreed and asked bob what it was. bob said it was actually about tom’s rubbish bin. tom asked bob what the problem was. bob said he was sorry to say that but it stank and he couldn’t just put up with it any more. tom said that it was full of rubbish and wondered what bob expected. bob said that tom could put his rubbish in a bag first; so it smelt less and added that was what he did. tom replied that bin bags cost money and it didn’t cost him anything to throw his rubbish straight into the bin. bob agreed and added that he appreciated that, but the smell was offensive and very annoying. he said that it drove him crazy. tom agreed and said he was sorry about that. bob said that the smell also attracted flies and other insects, so it could become a health risk. tom agreed and said that was a fair point.he added that he would use bin bags from then on. bob thanked tom.
◘how old are you? -i am 11. (возраст был указан на вашем профиле) сколько вам лет? -мне 11. ◘ how many apples are there? -here are 13 apples . сколько здесь яблок? -здесь 13 яблок. ◘ can you translate this? -no, i can't. ты можешь перевести это? -нет, я не могу. ◘ do you like grapes? -i prefer oranges more. ты любишь виноград? -я предпочитаю апельсины. ◘ tea or coffee? -tea, of course! чай или кофе? -чай, конечно же! ◘ where you're from? -i'm from zimbabwe. откуда вы родом? -я из зимбабве . ◘ have you read that book? -yes, it is very informative. вы читали эту книгу? -да, она познавательна. ◘ do you speak german? -no, i don't speak. ты говоришь по-? -нет, я не говорю. ◘ have you tried this dish? -yes, and you? - ты пробовал это блюдо? -да, а ты? - ◘ you know? -no, i do not know. ты знаешь? -нет, я не знаю.
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What time is it, please? 12: 30: 12: 45: 15: 15: 16: 30: 20: 15: надо сказать словами()пример? it is half past five