england after alfred the great:
alfred the great was son of aethelwulf, king of the west saxons. after he succeeded his brother as king and win battles with danes, he devied england in danelaw - danish territory and north part. when he obtained peace with danes, he reorganised his army and built up defences of kingdom; he advocated justice and order and established a code of laws and a reformed coinage. he had a strong belief in the importance of education. after his dead, england was powerfull, cause alfed reorganised army and gave importance to education and rules of law, that allowed peace and harmony live in this lands.
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Іть перекласти текст i am a pupil of the 6th form.i study at school namber 5.my school is not new.it was built 48years.i like my school very mush.it has three floors araund.there is a lively yard ur school.there is a large sportsgro ound near our school.the ground floor of our school is for junior pupils.the dining-room, where we have lunch is on flors first floor.on thge first and stcond floors there are, a lot of classrooms for senion pupils.the teacher's room and medical room are on the first floor too.our school life is vere interesting.we like our school.