1. this project has been finished this year. проект был окончен в этом году 2. our colleague will have written all business-letters by 3 o’clock tomorrow. наш коллега напишет все бизнес-письма к 3 часам завтрашнего дня. 3. the flowers had been bought before the mother came home. цветы купили, до того как мама пришла домой 4. the manager has received a lot of e-mails today. менеджер сегодня получил много писем по е-мейл. 5. the license will have been got by this hotel by the end of the following month. лицензия будет получена отелем к концу следующего месяца.
The conversation usually involves frankness. no wonder there was an application to the conversation - "talk heart to heart." this puts the two conversations in the position of equality. observing the same (method of psychological research) in a conversation is already "a third person" who is watching the conversation by making fixation on certain moments, analysis, evaluation and so on. e., t. e., an additional factor influencing the conversation and making use of a method of psychological research corrective "net effect" of the conversation. unless, of course, this method is not applicable professional psychologist, who this method of psychological research is automatically activated when "spiritual conversation" and tselenopravlenno when he interviewed for a particular result. in this and the benefits (ie. e. to bring an "object" to the spiritual conversation ") and disadvantages of the conversation as a method of psychological research, t. to. in this case it turns into" experience "observe the test; ))