1.all these days he has been talking about his new plan.
2.Have you been watching TV too long?
3.He has not been sitting here all the time
1.How long it has been snowing ?
2.How long you have been learning English?
3.I have been waiting for one hour.
4.Has the boy been playing football since 10 a.m.?
5.Her sister has been doing her homework for half an hour.
6.We have not been studying since 11 o'clock.
7.Where they have been working there for two years?
8.Have you been watching too much television lately?
thank the creators want to have a very vivid image of alice (so different from the disney version), the brilliant dialogue carroll undergone minor changes, wonderful voice acting characters (one of which is the cheshire cat), smart graphics, great music, and, of course, for that the creators of the cartoon show succeeded so well in the movie all the madness and beauty of wonderland, for being able to maintain the surreal atmosphere, created by lewis carroll.
создателей хочется уже за яркий образ самой алисы (столь разительно отличающийся от диснеевской версии), гениальные диалоги кэрролла, претерпевшие минимальные изменения, замечательную озвучку героев (один чеширский кот чего стоит), шикарнейшую графику, великолепную музыку, и, конечно же, за то, что создателям мультфильма удалось столь удачно показать в мультфильме все безумство и прелесть страны чудес, за то, что удалось сохранить ту сюрреалистическую атмосферу, созданную льюисом кэрроллом.
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